8.0 - BeamConstruct/Linux: random crash on start-up fixed - Beamconstruct: shorter overall start-up time - BeamConstruct: speed of vector data distribution in case of multihead operations improved (up to 40 times in case of specific vector data) - BeamConstruct: added function to image import dialogue to pre-rotate the image to adjust its orientation - BeamConstruct: fixed issue when mirroring bitmap images via "Geometry" tab pane - BeamConstruct: bar codes can be used with up to 3116 characters now - BeamConstruct: error message is issued when E1X0X-controller is accessed but is currently active in stand-alone mode - BeamConstruct: higher accuracy for Gain X and Y parameters of E1803D - BeamConstruct: output element extended by delay-parameter - BeamConstruct: fixed update issue when mirroring elements - BeamConstruct: internal restructuring and optimisations for better performance - BeamConstruct: internal bugs fixed - BeamServer: internal restructuring for being more responsive when accessing functions - BeamServer: new command CmdDuplicateEnt - BeamSDK: internal restructuring for being more responsive when accessing functions - BeamSDK: new callback-types BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_MATRIX_EDITED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEMENT_CREATED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_PLUGIN_PARAM_CHANGED - CorrCorrect: update SNR correctly on change of entered value - FWdownloader: option added to download single, random file 7.8 - BeamConstruct: head selection and pen alignment of "Element" tab pane can be applied to multiple objects selected - BeamConstruct: crash fixed when simulating a process - BeamConstruct: added option to text element to keep aspect ratio - BeamConstruct: auto-configured FWDownloader can be started out of BeamConstruct now - BeamConstruct: new function implemented to generate stand-alone pilot laser data - BeamConstruct: added support for predictive maintenance - BeamConstruct: added new separate user privilege for "Edit pen settings" - BeamConstruct: added predictive maintenance functionality - BeamConstruct: OAPC Data Input element extended by options to prepend/append static texts - BeamConstruct: extended Custom Input Primary Element to forward a received (sub)string to an OAPC input - BeamConstruct: Custom Output Primary Element extended to accept a subsequent Input Element - CorrCorrect: added option to define the distance between valid dots to be detected and noise to be ignored in grid correction function - CorrCorrect: added Apply-button for contrast, brightness, gamma and SNR to not invoke a complete recalculation in case of a changed parameter - CorrCorrect: support for LMC .scor correction files added - BeamServer: new commands CmdSetHomePosX, CmdSetHomePosY, CmdSetHomePosZ, CmdGetHomePosX, CmdGetHomePosY, CmdGetHomePosZ, CmdSetHeadFlags, CmdGetHeadFlags - FWDownloader: fixed bug in direct upload of E1803D configuration file - BeamSDK: new tags BEAM_TAG_SET_HOME_POS_X,BEAM_TAG_SET_HOME_POS_Y,BEAM_TAG_SET_HOME_POS_Z, BEAM_TAG_GET_HOME_POS_X,BEAM_TAG_GET_HOME_POS_Y,BEAM_TAG_GET_HOME_POS_Z, BEAM_TAG_SET_HEADFLAGS,BEAM_TAG_GET_HEADFLAGS - BeamSDK: new init-tag BEAM_SHOWUI2_NO_MAINTENANCE - BeamSDK: added support for tags BEAM_TAG_RAW_STRUCT_LENGTH and BEAM_TAG_RAW_STRUCT with BEAM_TAG_PRITEXT in calls to beam_create_element() - BeamSDK: new callback type BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEMENT_DELETED added - OpenSDK: added new functions sf_if_wx_set_maintenance_due() and sf_if_wx_set_maintenance_overdue() 7.7 - BeamConstruct: data throughput and speed of image capturing plug-ins improved - BeamConstruct: added new Primary Element that performs jumps within a project - BeamConstruct: added support for conditional timeout/jumps within a project in Custom Input control element - BeamConstruct: bugreport extended to automatically include the last project used - BeamConstruct: character-based date/time information can be mapped to an own list of characters - BeamConstruct: in mark-dialogue, geometry position now can be changed by Shift and cursor keys too - BeamConstruct: tool tips for motion buttons added when "key controlled"-option is enabled - BeamConstruct: "invert"-option in Barcode element now also supports 2D barcodes - BeamConstruct: fixed issue with busy-cursor not turned off after some image-operations - BeamConstruct: fixed issue with transformation of clustered groups - BeamServer: fixed crash with pilot laser marking command - CorrCorrect: added zoom-function in grid dialogue for easier analysis of detected dots - FWDownloader: parameters made persistent - BeamSDK: new initialisation tags BEAM_TAG_INIT_CONTROLLER_IF_HEAD0 to BEAM_TAG_INIT_CONTROLLER_IF_HEAD8 added - BeamSDK: new UI-flags UI_FLAG_DISABLE_CENTREPT, UI_FLAG_DISABLE_3D_VIEW, UI_FLAG_NO_MARK_LOOP_INTERRUPT - BeamSDK: new command tags BEAM_TAG_CMD_SPLITGROUP_SELECTED, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SLICEGROUP_SELECTED - BeamSDK: new element-tags BEAM_TAG_RAW_STRUCT_LENGTH, BEAM_TAG_RAW_STRUCT, BEAM_TAG_SPLITMODE, BEAM_TAG_DIAMETER, BEAM_TAG_ANGLE, BEAM_TAG_MOTION_SPD, BEAM_TAG_OVERLAP for split group element types 7.6 - BeamConstruct: on very first start-up, when a suitable controller card was detected, preconfigure it as far as possible - BeamConstruct: added separate field for month offset in serial number - BeamConstruct: added new date/tiem codes which are not affected by the offset in the serial number - BeamConstruct: add option to fade out references in order to have a fast preview also on weak grahpics hardware - BeamConstruct: multiple selection via ALT-key and lasso optimised to be done faster - BeamConstruct: UNDO-function optimised to be more reactive also in case of huge projects - BeamConstruct: added option to trace marking data into a CSV log file - BeamConstruct: added option to "Ready for marking"-signal to combine it with laser state inputs - BeamConstruct: added function to switch 3D models to wireframe, transparent or solid representation - BeamConstruct: handling of inline-buttons reworked - BeamConstruct: initialisation sequence of E1X0X-controllers improved - BeamConstruct: Custom Output elemet extended to allow switchig of pilot laser pin (if available), LaserB (if configured as output) and MO - BeamConstruct: ambiguous handling of Laserport-value and -bits corrected in Custom Output element - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in alignment of right, vertical toolbar - BeamConstruct: fixed issue with some unicode characters in text primary element - BeamConstruct: bug fixed with relative, closed pathes in SVG imports - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in hatch additional element when tile function is enabled/disabled/changed - BeamConstruct: claculation problem fixed in bitmap grescale map - BeamServer: added new commands CmdSetElemTextHeight, CmdGetElemTextHeight - BeamServer: fixed random deadlock when importing data - BeamServer: fixed issue with return code of CmdSetXXXXIO-commands - BeamServer: new commands CmdSetPenWobbleAmpFuzz, CmdSetPenWobbleFreqFuzz, CmdGetPenWobbleAmpFuzz, CmdGetPenWobbleFreqFuzz - CorrCorrect: fixed issue with localised file names handled on a operating system with different localisation - BeamSDK: new show-flag BEAM_SHOWUI2_NO_SOLID_MESH_BUTTON - BeamSDK: issue with seleced element fixed - BeamSDK: potential crash fixed when accessing element geometries - BeamSDK: new command tags BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_UNDO_STEP_NUM, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_REDO_STEP_NUM - BeamSDK: new pen tags BEAM_TAG_PEN_WOBBLEAMPFUZZ, BEAM_TAG_PEN_WOBBLEFREQFUZZ, BEAM_TAG_PEN_WOBBLEUPDATEFREQ, BEAM_TAG_PEN_WOBBLEMODE - BeamSDK: new result callback function introduced 7.5 - BeamConstruct: pulse width in pen parameter wizard changed to work with usec too - BeamConstruct: new image capture plug-in added which supports HTTP-IP-cameras - BeamConstruct: maximum number of pulses allowed in pen settings extended - BeamConstruct: fixed positioning and refreshing of vertical toolbar - BeamConstruct: DXF import now generates text elements at positions of DXF texts - BeamConstruct: issue fixed in text-element when using long strings - BeamConstruct: update process time of an element or selection properly when pen delays are changed - BeamConstruct: issue fixed with PRO-license not recognised when loading a project from disk - BeamConstruct: closed memory leak in image calibration function - BeamConstruct: fixed issue with digital outputs shown in state-dialogue - BeamConstruct: fixed issue with snap-to-grid function in side views - BeamConstruct: avoid flickering of live backround image - BeamServer: added new command CmdSetElemName - CorrCorrect: added option to swap X and Y output - CorrCorrect: added option to show result of detected grid - BeamSDK/libbeamconstruct: BeamConstruX and all ActiveX/DCOM bindings and examples removed - BeamSDK: new tags added to access properties of elements: BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_LOOP_THICKNESS, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_LOOP_ZOFFSET_PER_REP, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_SKIP_MARKS, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_SKIP_OFFSET, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_LOOP_REPEAT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_LOOP_THICKNESS, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_LOOP_ZOFFSET_PER_REP, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_SKIP_MARKS, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_SKIP_OFFSET - BeamSDK: new tags added to functions beam_modify_pen() and beam_get_pen_value(): BEAM_TAG_PEN_TAB_WIDTH, BEAM_TAG_PEN_TAB_DEPTH, BEAM_TAG_PEN_MAX_ZINCR, BEAM_TAG_PEN_MAX_ZSPD, BEAM_TAG_PEN_FLAGS - BeamSDK: new command tags added for callback functionalities: BEAM_TAG_CMD_SWITCH_CALLBACK_LMOUSE_DOWN, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SWITCH_CALLBACK_LMOUSE_UP, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SWITCH_CALLBACK_ELEM_PARAM, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_NAME, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_HEAD, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_PEN0, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_PEN1, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_PEN2, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_PEN3, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_PEN4, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_PEN5, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_PEN6, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_PEN7, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_PEN8, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_PEN9, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_ALIGN, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_LAYER, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_FLAGS, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_REF_COUNTX, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_REF_COUNTY, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_REF_COUNTZ, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_REF_DISTX, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_REF_DISTY, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_REF_DISTZ, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_THICKNESS, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_REPEATMARKS, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_REPEATZOFFS, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_SKIPMARKS, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_ELEM_PARAM_SKIPOFFS, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_MARK_STARTING - BeamSDK: new callback types BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_LEFT_MOUSE_DOWN, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_LEFT_MOUSE_UP added - BeamSDK: new function cnco_gfx_process_colours() in libcnco - BeamSDK: added new command tag BEAM_TAG_INHIBIT_ELEMENT - BeamSDK: added new functions beam_exec_ui_menu_fct(), beam_get_element_name_utf8(), beam_set_element_name_utf8(), beam_list_element_names_utf8(), beam_get_element_uid_utf8(), beam_get_pen_name_utf8() - BeamSDK: fixed memory leak in function cnco_line_get_inner_part() - OpenSDK: pen/tool number added to OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_TOOLCHANGE 7.4 - BeamConstruct: zoom via mouse-wheel uses mouse position as centre point - BeamConstruct: tools shown in toolbars now can be configured via machine settings too - BeamConstruct: beammenu.oem list of identifiers extended by toolbar-tools - BeamConstruct: added new identifiers to beammenu.oem to disable plug-ins - BeamConstruct: menu "Project" extended by function to quickly reload the last projects used - BeamConstruct: changes in MQTT/SmartIF/Hermes interfaces no longer require a restart - BeamConstruct: maximum repeat count increased to 10000 - BeamConstruct: Circle primary element extended by an optional second radius to create nested circles - BeamConstruct: added option in multihead-configuration to halt the whole marking process until a tool-change has been confirmed - BeamConstruct: custom tool-change commands can be defined in GCode plug-ins - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in option "Try split between pieces" of Active Split Group - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in split-function when applied to Text primary elements - BeamConstruct: fixed bug when duplicating several selected objects at once - BeamConstruct: corrected direction of mouse-wheel based zoom - BeamConstruct: mouse-wheel behaviour corrected, now always applies to underlying elements - BeamConstruct: fixed timing issue with process-control plug-ins, changed pen parameters now result in immediate reaction - BeamConstruct: fixed bug with marking active signal when stop is pressed - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in import of SVG files with transformed elements - FWDownloader: file name issue fixed which could lead to illegal names on SD-card - E1701A/D, E1803D: overall speed of bitmap marking mode "Fast" increased - OpenSDK: new constant OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_TOOLCHANGE - BeamSDK: new tags BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_MACHINE_LOCALE, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_TOOLBAR2 - BeamSDK: use correct visual representation in BeamSimple application with Windows 7.3 - BeamConstruct: added button to mark-dialogue to override an external stop - BeamConstruct: G-Code serial plug-in/GRBL mode extended by setting os laser mode and sending of S-commands - BeamConstruct: Schneider/IMS MDrive now also can be used via E1803D on-board serial interface - BeamConstruct: allow host-side "markign active signal" also when controller supports a hardware signal - BeamConstruct: fixed timing issue in interlock check - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in handling of process-control plug-ins - BeamConstruct: fixed crash in barcode data handling - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in handling of GERBER-imports - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in handling of SVG-imports - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in switching of view (front/side/3D) - BeamConstruct: deadlock issue fixed when congruent working areas have to handle pilot laser geometry that starts/ends outside of them - BeamServer: Fixed accuracy issue in CmdSetRotX/Y/Z - BeamServer: Added commands CmdGetRotX/Y/Z to retrieve the current rotation - CorrCorrect: added wizard to convert measured distortions into appropriate angles - BeamSDK: added tags BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_ROTX/Y/Z to retrieve the rotation of the current element, the project or the output matrix - BeamSDK: new showflag BEAM_SHOWUI_NO_MEASUREMENT_UNITS 7.2 - BeamConstruct: added mirror X/Y buttons to vertical toolbar - BeamConstruct: added option to machine settings to disable 3D view - BeamConstruct: added option to machine settings to disable editable centre point - BeamConstruct: added new translation to ukrainian language - BeamConstruct: added new serial number placeholders to represent year and month with a single character - BeamConstruct: added alignment-functions to vertical toolbar - BeamConstruct: XPS importer extended to work with StaticResource data - BeamConstruct: new edit-function to reverse marking direction of vectors within an element - BeamConstruct: fixed text width issue in case of line spacing !=100% and right/centre alignment - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in enabling XY2-100E mode for E1803D - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in hatcher when doing vertical zig-zag hatches - BeamConstruct: fixed issue with thickness parameter, value no longer can get lost when mark dialogue is opened - BeamConstruct: fixed text length issue when using laser vector fonts - BeamConstruxt: fixed issue with MOTF-distance in case of negative MOTF-factors - BeamServer: fixed problems with returned string in command CmdSelElemText - BeamServer: CmdSetRotX/Y/Z now also possible for whole project and output matrix - BeamSDK: added new initialisation option BEAM_TAG_INIT_MACHINESETTINGSFILE - BeamSDK: BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_ROTX/Y/Z now also possible for whole project and output matrix 7.1 - BeamConstruct: added option "Mask" for QR barcodes - BeamConstruct: imported 2D geometries now optionally can be auto-reloaded when new option "Reload on file change" is enabled for them - BeamConstruct: new convenience function "Group to Active Rotational Split" - BeamConstruct: added basic support for Gerber RS-247-X solder paste definition files - BeamConstruct: added option to export 3D data out of all contained meshes into a RWX file - BeamConstruct: allow duplication also with several selected entities - BeamConstruct: usage and parameters of curve postprocessing element simplified, second radius for ellipsoidal shapes added - BeamConstruct: added option to 3D Slice Group to use alternative pens for hatch and contour when a configurable digital input is set - BeamConstruct: added function to move selected elements via cursor keys and ctrl/shift modifier - BeamConstruct: added dialogue to turn on/off laser independent fro many geometry - BeamConstruct: do no allow multiple pens for additional cycles in milling mode - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in updateing of thickness and loops when pen is changed (milling mode) - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in calculation of rotation in curve postprocessing element - BeamConstruct: fixed crash in processing-function "Simulate" - BeamSDK: new functions cnco_geom_scale(), cnco_matrix_get_translation(), cnco_util_entity_is_image_type() - BeamSDK: new property tag BEAM_TAG_AXIS for BEAM_TAG_POST_CURVE - BeamSDK: new UI-flag BEAM_SHOWUI_NO_SMART_FACTORY - OpenSDK: new structure subtype OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_LASERCTRL_IDX - OpenSDK: added new functions sf_mqtt_wx_set_credentials(), sf_mqtt_set_credentials(), sf_if_set_cycle_time() to libsmartfactory - OpenSDK: added new functions oapc_unicode_charToStringUTF32BE(), oapc_unicode_stringToCharUTF32BE(), oapc_unicode_utf32BEToASCII(), oapc_unicode_utf8ToASCII() to liboapcwx 7.0 - BeamConstruct: second, vertical toolbar with editing functions added - BeamConstruct: allow assigning of more than one pen and pen loops to a hatch - BeamConstruct: process control plug-in interface extended to support multiple process control plug-ins which each can handle several measured/displayed values and can be combined with each other freely - BeamConstruct: HPLG/PLT import issue fixed - BeamConstruct: support for scanner overspeed added - BeamConstruct: writing of stand-alone data in multihead environments: file names of additional heads are extended by the head number - BeamConstruct: plug-in "GCode Controller (Ethernet)" extended to support custom commands prior to start of new marking operation - BeamConstruct: added option to tab-pane "Element" to choose the spot/tool alignment for the geometry independent from the pen - BeamConstruct: added new generic shape "Circle" for clean slice element - BeamConstruct: added function to watch interlock/emergency stop signal - BeamConstruct: new plug-in "GCode Controller (Serial)" for generic and GRBL controllers - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in motion optimisation of 2D tiled split marking - BeamConstruct: fixed memory leak in Text primary element - BeamConstruct: fixed maximum Z-speed issue in GCode controllers - BeamConstruct/E1803D: fourth axis of IntelliIO extension can be used to stepper-drive a Z-axis - CorrCorrect: new function to import a scanned grid and to apply it to an existing correction - BeamServer: new commands CmdQueueCharIO2/3/4/5, CmdQueueUniIO2/3/4/5 - libe1701: new function E1701_set_overspeed(); - E1701M stepper and z-shifter plug-ins: fixed bug in calculation of maximum speed - OpenSDK: new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_QUEUE_CHAR_IO2/3/4/5, BEAM_TAG_CMD_QUEUE_UNI_IO2/3/4/5 - OpenSDK: new error code OAPC_ERROR_INTERLOCK_RELEASED - OpenSDK: struct oapc_bin_struct_laserctrl extended by overspeed parameters - BeamSDK: new functions cnco_corr_interpolate(), cnco_prcg_find_dots(), cnco_prcg_scale_dots(), cnco_prcg_unrotate_dots() - BeamSDK: new element flags ELEM_FLAG_PEN_ALIGN_FROM_PEN, ELEM_FLAG_PEN_ALIGN_OUTSIDE, ELEM_FLAG_PEN_ALIGN_CENTRE, ELEM_FLAG_PEN_ALIGN_INSIDE, ELEM_FLAG_PEN_ALIGN_MASK added - BeamSDK: logic issue fixed in command beam_is_marking_finished(); wrong return code could be sent in some cases when no device was open 6.7 - BeamConstruct: added option to general motion settings to define axes order of referencing - BeamConstruct: missing dependency between laser delay and sky writing parameters added to GUI - BeamConstruct: increased pilot laser speed in case of real element shape preview - BeamConstruct: speed of slicing of 3D models increased - BeamConstruct: speed of removing of old slices from a 3D model increased dramatically - BeamConstruct: memory consumption reduced when slicing 3D models - BeamConstruct: Slice Cleaner element extended, now beside concatenated slices also the first slice or a rectangle can be used as cleaning shape - BeamConstruct: support for OpenGL 1.x removed, requiring at least OpenGL3.0 now - BeamConstruct: fixed spot-alignment issue in multihead-environments - BeamConstruct: corrected inaccuracy in spot-size for spot-alignment function - BeamConstruct: bug fixed of Delay element sometimes not executed properly when followed by a Custom Input element - BeamConstruct: fixed bug when comparing strings that come from E1803D card - BeamConstruct: available IOs corrected for E1803D and E1701x - OpenSDK: struct oapc_bin_struct_dyn_data extended by data source member and union to handle different sources and methods for creation of dynamic data - BeamSDK: new tags BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_ELEMENT_HEADFLAGS, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_ELEMENT_HEADFLAGS - BeamSDK: fixed issue in setting verticla orientation of Text primary element - BeamSDK: command BEAM_TAG_CMD_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT now auto-updates outline parameters - OpenSDK: added conversion function oapc_unicode_ASCIIToUtf16BE() - libe1803: new functions E1803_set_tune() and E1803_get_tune() - E1701A/D/E1803D: issue in sending of stand-alone data fixed which prevented MO from being turned on 6.6 - BeamConstruct: added function to change the (rotation) centre position relative to the element it belongs to - BeamConstruct: added option to motion settings to let axes move back to position they were at the beginning - BeamConstruct: HALscan 10X16 added as default to pen settings calculation function - BeamConstruct: UNDO/REDO function optimised to cause less data transfers - BeamConstruct: added function to extrude geometries to closed 3D meshes - BeamConstruct: added option to hatch element to not to show repeated hatch lines (in case of angle offset ant repeat count set) - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in 3D view which could cause a crash under some conditions - BeamConstruct: issue fixed with pilot laser correction settings in multihead-mode - BeamConstruct: UNDO/REDO bug fixed which caused loss of data when Ctrl-X/Y is pressed while an input element is focused - BeamConstruct: milling mode bug fixed where thicknes of an element hasn't been changed leaving back some inconsistent data - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in scannercontroller motion plug-in when LP8 is used as output - BeamServer: added command line parameter "-p" to configure the servers port number and to allow several instances at the same time - BeamServer: corrected usage and function of CmdGetCardInp and CmdSetCardOutp - BeamServer: added command "CmdGetElemText" to get current text of selecte barcode or text primary element - BeamConstruct/E1701C: issue fixed in case of a dot and milling mode, now diving into the material is done properly - BeamSDK: new coordinate flag CNCO_COORDELEM_FLAG_STOP_DRAWING_HERE - BeamSDK: added new function cnco_geom_cover_polygon() - OpenSDK: added new function oapc_util_from_unicode() to liboapc - General: plug-ins for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Speak removed 6.5 - BeamConstruct: added new function to collapse or expand all nodes at once in element tree - BeamConstruct: added support for several new 3D file formats like Biovision BVH (.bvh), 3D Studio Max (.3ds .ase), Sense8 WorldToolkit / Neutral File Format (.nff), LightWave (.lwo .lws) - BeamConstruct: auto-disable data optimisation in case of hatches which have to be left untouched to gain proper marking results - BeamConstruct: added option to toolbar to show begin and direction of marking lines - BeamConstruct: multihead, working- and editing-area preview added directly within configuration panel "User Interface" for easier set-up of coordinates and sizes - BeamConstruct: pulse-width of Intelli-IO-extension plug-in (when operated in motion mode) can be configured now - BeamConstruct: maximum factor of scanner-card controlled stepper motor expanded to 500000 - BeamConstruct: added option to home position settings to override a manual stop and to let the scanner jump to home in every case - BeamConstruct: fixed focussing-bug in Text primary element (font selector combo box could not be switched via cursor keys) - BeamConstruct/E1701C: fixed issue in calculation of maximum Z speed - BeamConstruct: fixed crash when importing and selecting several 3D models after each other - BeamConstruct: fixed parsing issue in SVG import - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in turning off pilot laser manually - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in beam-compensated hatching - BeamConstruct: auto-adjust pens for active groups when source geometry pen is changed - BeamConstruct: fixed image capture issue which was caused by specific parameter combinations - BeamConstruct: fixed displaying issue when slanting elements - BeamConstruct: fixed issue when translating multiple selected elements - E1701A/D/C/E1803D: working area position and size in ow ndialogue with preview of result for easier configuration - E1701A/D/C/E1803D: introduced new PWM option for MOPA lasers for variable pulse width controlled via LaserA - libe1803: added new function E1803_motion_set_pulsewidth() 6.4 - BeamConstruct: added option for pilot laser to not to use home position for preview - BeamConstruct: new option to reboot a controller after a named download - BeamConstruct: new menu customisation code 2210 - BeamConstruct: 3D models now can be used as groundobject there geometries can be 3d-projected onto - BeamConstruct: support for more than one custom dot; dots can be configured in project settings and used out of all primary elements - BeamConstruct: added functions for easy CNC milling, maximum Z increment depth in pen settings and material thickness in element settings are adjusted automatically to required repeats and z-increment steps - BeamConstruct: home-position in scanner settings now also supports Z-axis - BeamConstruct: added optionto 3D slice group to use pens from 3D meshes - BeamConstruct: Text primary element now also searches for fonts in user local directory (Windows only) - BeamConstruct: delay extended to 100 seconds max in delay primary element - BeamConstruct: fixed crash on "New project" with specific elements selected - BeamConstruct: fixed issue with serial port element, halt marking completely when receiving timeout occurs - BeamConstruct: fixed error in GCode import function for files that end with M2 command - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in manual motion operations out of mark dialogue when operating wiht multiple heads - BeamConstruct: fixed synchronisation bug in IO Sync Motor Trigger which could lead to a deadlock - BeamServer: new command code 2210 - CorrCorrect: fixed bug in functions that apply additional corrections to existing grid - CorrCorrect: fixed bug in importing BCO files with extended range of values - BeamSDK: new capability flag INT_CAPABILITY_HAS_PIERCE_TIME added - BeamSDK: fixed bug in commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_SCALEX, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_SCALEY and BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_SCALEZ, divider corrected to value of 1000000 - BeamSDK: new show-flag BEAM_SHOWUI_NO_VIEWBUTTONS - BeamSDK: new command tags BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_PEN_REPEAT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_PEN_REPEAT - BeamSDK: new laser type INT_LASERTYPE_MECHMILL - BeamSDK: fixed issue in function cnco_geom_close_polygons_2d() - BeamSDK: new defines CNCO_GEOM_POINT_OUTSIDE_POLY, CNCO_GEOM_POINT_INSIDE_POLY, CNCO_GEOM_POINT_ON_POLY - BeamSDK: new UI-command value 2210 - BeamSDK: new element flag ELEM_FLAG_NOT_VIEW_SELECTABLE - BeamSDK: new functions cnco_geom_append_dot2(), cnco_geom_append_dot_fast2(), cnco_line_to_pattern3(), cnco_geom_point_in_polygon(), cnco_geom_point_height(), cnco_vector2d_dotproduct() - OpenSDK: new parameter uMaxZSpeed and uMaxZIncr in struct oapc_bin_struct_laserctrl - OpenSDK: new oapc_bin_struct_ioctrl flag IOCTRL_PILOTLASER_BIT_MO - OpenSDK: new optional plug-in function oapc_reset() - OpenSDK: UI XML now supports type-parameter as attribute - OpenSDK: new UI XML type "workingarea" - OpenSDK: new predefined value-names OAPC_ID_WORKINGAREA_X, OAPC_ID_WORKINGAREA_Y, OAPC_ID_WORKINGAREA_H, OAPC_ID_WORKINGAREA_H 6.3 - BeamConstruct: added option to Motion element to perform asynchronous movements - BeamConstruct: added support for Additive Manufacturing File format (AMF) - BeamConstruct: added customisation function to provide a fixed set of predefined hardware settings - BeamConstruct: added function for boolean add/subtract of geometries - BeamConstruct: added option "Real 3D" to tutn on/off usage of Z-coordinate during slicing also when 3D scanhead is used - BeamConstruct: fixed issue when sliding through layers of a sliced 3D model - BeamConstruct: fixed crash when exiting RTC5/RTC6 from multihead mode - BeamConstruct: fixed issue when setting speed for E1701C motion operations - BeamConstruct: fixed data corruption issue when sending named stand-alone data to card - BeamConstruct: fixed crash with specific data in slice cleaner element - BeamConstruct: fixed calculation problem when postprocessing elements have been modified - BeamConstruct: fixed crash when reslicing a 3D model while upper slice is shown - BeamConstruct: fixed issue when loading several 3MF files - BeamConstruct: fixed unit issue (inch/mm) when using 3MF file format - BeamConstruct: fixed issue in memomry handling which in some cases resulted in sporadic "out of memory" messages - BeamConstruct: fixed glitch in HPGL-importer which has caused additional lines - E1701/E1803D MOTF-distance-function enhanced: now it makes use of the Y-MOTF-channel when the X-channel is not used (MOTF-factor set to 0) - E1701M stepper driver and focus shifter: fixed issue in setting speed limit - FWDownloader: fixed issue when downloading files to connected controller - FWDownloader: increased download speed - BeamSDK: introduced new capability flag INT_CAPABILITY_HAS_DIRECT_OUTPUTS for scanner controller plug-ins - BeamSDK: fixed bug in handling of different hatch parameters - BeamSDK: new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_UI_FLAGS, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_UI_FLAGS - BeamSDK: fixed bug in element scaling function - OpenSDK: struct oapc_bin_struct_motionctrl extended by moveAsync member 6.2 - BeamConstruct: added function to slice group pen definitions for contour and hatch to repeat them several times - BeamConstruct: added option in machine settings to hide parameter-tab for support structure generation - BeamConstruct: added possibility to assign up to five pens with separate repeat counter for each to one element which then are processed successively - BeamConstruct: added tile drop offset function to hatch additional element - BeamConstruct: added option to Element panel to force geometries to be marked by a specific head - BeamConstruct: added option to specify own names for heads in multihead set-ups - BeamConstruct: added options to pen parameter wizard to set own hatch angle and distance values - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in saving multihead projects when one controller card is used with default settings - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in API and BeamServer when changing contents of a primary element that makes use of sub-elements - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in frequency handling of E1701A/C/D and E1803D - BeamConstruct: fixed positioning issue when setting new size for an element - BeamConstruct: ensure proper operation of Undo/Redo menu shortcuts - BeamConstruct: added milling-specific settings to E1701C - BeamServer: new command CmdClrElems added - BeamSDK: added element tags BEAM_TAG_X, BEAM_TAG_Y and BEAM_TAG_Z for scanner bitmap - BeamSDK: added new callback type BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_DUPLICATE_FINISHED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_PENSETTINGS_FINISHED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_PRJSETTINGS_FINISHED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_MACHINESETTINGS_FINISHED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_DEFAULTS_LOADED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_PROJECT_LOADED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_MARKDLG_CLOSED - BeamSDK: new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_CLEAR_ELEMS, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_HEAD_LASERTYPE, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SELECT_PEN, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SAVE_PAYLOAD_PRJ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_LOAD_GEOM_PRJ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_MOVE_TOPBOT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_MOVE_UPDOWN, BEAM_TAG_CMD_REPARENT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_FINALISE, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_MAXPARTCTR added - BeamSDK: added element tag BEAM_TAG_HEIGHT for text primary element - BeamSDK: added element tag BEAM_TAG_CROSSANGLE for hatch additional element - BeamSDK: new function beam_set_element_name() 6.1 - BeamConstruct: added function to save CSV protocol of current projects settings - BeamConstruct: added option to configure the delay after MO for IPG-style lasers for E1701x, E1803D, RTC4, RTC5, RTC6 scanner cards - BeamConstruct/libe1701x: fixed issue when operating more than one E1701x-controller with mixed COM and Ethernet connection - BeamConstruct/libe1803: fixed issue when operating more than one E1803D-controller with mixed COM and Ethernet connection - BeamConstruct: added option to Curve postprocessing element for counter-clockwise rotation - BeamConstruct: 3D Slice parameters simplified, no need to select flat/real 3D any more - BeamConstruct: added option in Text element which gives the possibility to use own TrueType-fonts that are optimised for laser marking - BeamConstruct: added option to Hatcher to split the hatch pattern in separate tiles with optional overlap - BeamConstruct: several bugs fixed in 3D slicing functions - BeamConstruct: fixed bug when loading DXF file to separate layers - BeamConstruct: fixed bug when changing line-pattern of geometries to a non-continuous type - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in Z-correction calculation of E1701A/D and E1803D scanner cards - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in jog-function with the fourth axis - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in direct editing of element vertex coordinates - BeamSDK: added new element specifier BEAM_TAG_WTEXT - BeamSDK: new callback-types BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_SELECTION_CHANGED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_DRAWING_STARTED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_DRAWING_FINISHED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_DRAGGING_STARTED, BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_DRAGGING_FINISHED added - BeamSDK: added new command tags BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_WA_X, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_WA_Y, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_WA_Z, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_WA_WIDTH, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_WA_HEIGHT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_WA_DEPTH, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_EA_X, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_EA_Y, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_EA_Z, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_EA_WIDTH, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_EA_HEIGHT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_EA_DEPTH, BEAM_TAG_CMD_OPEN_PENDLG, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_TOOLBAR - BeamSDK: added new tags BEAM_TAG_INPUTTEXT, BEAM_TAG_TIMEOUT, BEAM_TAG_FLAGS to Serial Input element - BeamSDK: new function beam_list_element_subuids() added - BeamSDK: new element tags BEAM_TAG_SPLITGROUP, BEAM_TAG_ROTSPLITGROUP - BeamSDK: new initialisation tag BEAM_TAG_INIT_APPNAME added - libsmartfactory: added new function sf_if_wx_send_trace_data() 6.0 - AndroidBeamControl: Android-App renamed to point to its usage environment unambiguously - BeamConstruct: new identifier 4007 to hide projector adjustment menu item - BeamConstruct: added immersive/projection view to display current project directly within workign area - BeamConstruct: new application BeamControl without editing functions and to control marking process on a machine even with a touch screen - BeamConstruct: new process-control plug-in "Switch laser parameters" to override marking parameters dependent on the state of a digital input - BeamConstruct: increased accuracy of camera calibration in vision system - BeamConstruct: added buttons to tab-pane of a group to directly access some of their functions - BeamConstruct: added function to re-arrange the order of elements within a group - BeamConstruct: element parameters can be changed over several selected elements at the same time - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in hardware-dependent limitation of minimum hatch distance - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in applying hatches to slices and support structures of 3D slice groups - BeamConstruct: fixed crash when using motion elements and motion tab-pane at the same time - CorrCorrect: added new function to calculate correction out of a grid of measured positions - BeamSDK: new tags BEAM_TAG_INIT_CUSTTOOLBAR, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_PARTCTR added - BeamSDK: new callback-type BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_PARTS_CTR added - BeamSDK: BeamControl full sources added - OpenSDK: new defines OAPC_CONFIG_PCONTROL_FLAG_DIGITAL_TYPE, OAPC_CONFIG_PCONTROL_FLAG_DIGITAL_STYLE, OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_LASEROVERRIDE, OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_CTRLOVERRIDE - OpenSDK: touch screen/virtual keyboard support added to oapcTextCtrl and oapcFloatCtrl - OpenSDK: new input element oapcSpinSctrl added 5.7 - BeamConstruct: maximum element repeat count set to 5000 - BeamConstruct: keep last used parameters of a 3D slice group - BeamConstruct: Pilot laser preview with sliced 3D models - in case if "real element shape" mode the first slice is shown too - BeamConstruct: drag 2D Drawing Area with middel mosue button held down also when drawing of element is active - BeamConstruct: added 3D slice cleaner element to perform a cleaning-cycle between slices - BeamConstruct: added option to elements to mark contour prior to hatch - BeamConstruct: Linux build issue with E1701A and E1701C plug-ins fixed, now correct and latest versions are contained in package - BeamConstruct: SVG import filter improved to support invalid lineTo-definitions too - BeamConstruct: SVG import filter extended by rgb() statemend - BeamConstruct: issue warning when camera correction is done with different resolution than calibrated - BeamConstruct: added feature to clean surface between slices via special Slice Cleaner Element - BeamConstruct: fixed issue when using pilot laser with sliced 3D data - BeamConstruct: fixed crash when generating support structures in fully enclosed mode - BeamConstruct: fixed hatching bug in pen parameter wizard - BeamSDK: new processing state flag BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_CLEAN_SLICE_DONE - BeamSDK: new functions cnco_clip_copy_subject() and cnco_clip_get_subject() 5.6 - BeamConstruct: added command line option "-o" for automatic operations on application start-up - BeamConstruct: hatch element modified to work with negative custom beamcompensation values that overlap the contour of the element - BeamConstruct: added option to curve postprocessing element to set it to a specific centre coordinate the geometry is bent around - BeamConstruct: added option for 3D support structures to generate them down to bottom of editing area - BeamConstruct: added options for dot offset and dot-alignment to raster added to hatcher - BeamConstruct: added dot-pair patterns to hatcher - BeamConstruct: added new process control plug-in which can access the three integrated PID control loops of E1803D - BeamConstruct: added option to Hatch additional element to hide (complex) hatches from being drawn - BeamConstruct: speed of generating hatches with patterns instead of lines improved - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in CSV export when a parent element is not marked to be processed - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in CSV export when repeating element in X/Y/Z direction - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in update of elements in 3D view - BeamConstruct: fixed crash in function to edit single coordinates - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in function which optimises vectors for marking - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in selection of default language in machine settings - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in 3D view, update working/editing area when changed in settings - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in pilot preview when geometry is moved via arrow-buttons in mark-dialogue - BeamConstruct: fixed crash when mark-dialogue functions are disabled via settings - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in text primary element when using TTF with mapped characters (such as Wingdings) - CorrCorrect: added parameter to single/multiple point function to influence the strength of adjustment - CorrCorrect: fixed correction data centre bug - CorrCorrect: fixed bug in function to try generated correction file - CorrCorrect: fixed bug when saving correction tables with edited geometries - BeamSDK: improved speed of function cnco_line_to_pattern2() - BeamSDK: added new tag BEAM_TAG_INIT_SHOWUI2 and new flags BEAM_SHOWUI2_LEFT_VERT_TOOLBAR, BEAM_SHOWUI2_RIGHT_VERT_TOOLBAR, BEAM_SHOWUI2_BOT_HORIZ_TOOLBAR, BEAM_SHOWUI2_IMPORT_IMG_TOOL - BeamSDK: added new tag BEAM_TAG_INIT_SHOWUI3 and new flags BEAM_SHOWUI3_PLACEHOLDER_RIGHT, BEAM_SHOWUI3_PLACEHOLDER_BOTTOM - BeamSDK: added new hatch-tag BEAM_TAG_DOT_OFFSET - BeamSDK: added new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_PLACEHOLDER_RIGHT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_PLACEHOLDER_BOTTOM, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_API_VERSION, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_AXIS_POS, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_AXIS_REF, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_AXIS_VERSION, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_HEAD_VERSION - BeamSDK: added new function cnco_line_to_pattern2() and new mode flags CNCO_LINE_PATTERN_ALIGN_TO_X, CNCO_LINE_PATTERN_ALIGN_TO_Y, CNCO_LINE_PATTERN_ALIGN_TO_Z, CNCO_LINE_PATTERN_DOT_PAIRS, CNCO_LINE_PATTERN_CUSTOM_DOT_PAIRS - OpenSDK: new stucture type OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_PID_PARAMS and struct oapc_bin_struct_pidparams - OpenSDK: new stucture type OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_PID_UPDATE and struct oapc_bin_struct_pidupdate - OpenSDK: new process control flag OAPC_CONFIG_PCONTROL_FLAG_CONCENTRATION_STYLE - OpenSDK: new structure type OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_VERSION 5.5 - BeamConstruct: displaying speed in 3D view improved - BeamConstruct: added option to Hatch plug-in to invert hatching in nested polygons - BeamConstruct: 3D slice-speed increased by up to factor 3 under some conditions - BeamConstruct: increased slice-accuracy for 3d models by factor 100 - BeamConstruct: added new primary element to send data via serial port of host computer - BeamConstruct: added configuration option to move axes via ALT + cursor keys - BeamConstruct: added function to create bugreport-packages which contain all information required for analysing problems - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in import of HPGL/PLT files - BeamConstruct: UI bug fixed, disable axes when related motion plug-in has been removed - BeamConstruct: UI bug fixed which displayed "Process geometry" option enabled for slice groups while it was turned off - BeamConstruct: fixed bug with External Trigger Element, let it be processed by scanner card without intermediate synchronisation - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in colour detection of imported SVG files - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in keyboard-shortcut handling after an imported element was deselected - BeamConstruct: fixed bug with sporadic laser output on active pilot laser for E1701A/D, E1803D, RTC3/4/5/6 scanner controller cards - BeamConstruct: fixed deadlock in E1701M plug-in - BeamConstruct: fixed bug when writing stand-alone data for E1803D to disk - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in Repeat-parameter of Hatch element - CorrCorrect: fixed bug in calculation of spatial correction - BeamSDK: added new callback-type BEAM_CALLBACK_TYPE_MOTION_POSITION to check axis position changes 5.4 - BeamConstruct: External Trigger element now accepts an input element which can be used to set the MOTF-distance - BeamConstruct: added options for endless looping through CVS file and for column which defined number of data repeats to CSV input element - BeamConstruct: added support for 3DS (3D Studio) file format - BeamConstruct: added function to adjust non-linear behaviour of lasers/materials in case of greyscale bitmap marking - BeamConstruct: decreased CPU-load while waiting for events from connected hardware - BeamConstruct: added support for MQTT protocol - BeamConstruct: fixed HPGL/PLT import bug - BeamConstruct: fixed bug with MOTF-distance parameter in external trigger element - BeamConstruct: fixed crash when laser was configured to be aligned in/outside of a polygon - BeamConstruct: fixed bug with missing data when exporting to CSV - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in loading of stored runtime data - BeamConstruct: fixed displaying bug for motion element - BeamConstruct: fixed bug with hidden hatch in nested groups - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: new plug-in to support E1803D motion extension - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: accuracy of Laser Off Delay for E1701A/D and E1803D increased by factor 20 - BeamServer: new UI-command 1021 - BeamSDK: new UI-command 1021 5.3 - BeamConstruct: font preview added to TTF font selector in Text element - BeamConstruct: added function to save current Active Split Groups and Active Move Groups parameter as default - BeamConstruct: added function to move elements in element tree via keyboard - BeamConstruct: added option in machine settings to force user interface to a specific language - BeamConstruct: added option to text element to lock its size also when text changes - BeamConstruct: added centre position input fields in tab-pane "Geometry" - BeamConstruct: serial number input element, added function in wizard to place serial number placeholder - BeamConstruct: serial number input element, fixed crash when more than one serial number placeholder exists - BeamConstruct: added function to select multiple elements via box drawn with "Alt"-key held down - BeamConstruct: new mode for 3D slice group to calculate slice and hatch not in advance but right before marking - BeamConstruct: calculate scale-value of Geometry tab-pane relative to elements centre coordinate - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in geometry functions when applied to additional elements - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: fixed bug ing setting of frequencies/pulse width for some specific laser types and E1701A/D/E1803D controllers - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: fixed bug in USB-driver for Win32/E1803D - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: corrected output of images in case option "Swap X and Y" is set for E1803D controller - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: fixed synchronisation bug in E1701M stepper motor and Z-shifter that could cause problems with movement and referencing with some parameters - BeamServer: new command CmdImportSilent - BeamSDK: new command flags BEAM_TAG_CMD_IMPORT_SILENT and BEAM_TAG_CMD_IMPORT_3D_SILENT 5.2 - BeamConstruct: moved UI, smart factory and user privilege configuration to machine settings - BeamConstruct: added machine configuration dialogue for all settings and configurations stored locally - BeamConstruct: added function to multihead mode to define preferred usage for each head - BeamConstruct: added option to motion axis configuration to assign axes to the height of a slice to use its height automatically - BeamConstruct: added option in mark-dialogue for very fast looping of vector data without andy delay between repeats - BeamConstruct: added option to hatch element to create repeated hatches with angle offset - BeamConstruct: trace data in Smart Interface extended by identifiers for product and current working piece - BeamConstruct: bug fixed, process-control plug-ins are shut down correctly now - BeamConstruct: crash fixed when selecting and dragging multiple elements - BeamConstruct: synchronisation bug fixed related to motion plug-ins which make use of scanner controller card - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: added configuration parameter for 3D mode of E1701A/D/E1803D to optionally enable/disable 3D field correction - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: power range for A0/A1 outputs can be choosen freely - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: new plug-in "IO Sync Motor Trigger" to trigger external motion operation via digital signal - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: new process-control plug-in "Pewatron FCX" to read gas concentration - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: new process-control plug-in "Generic analogue temperature" to read temperature via analogue input of scanner card - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: bug fixed in data output handling of G-Code plug-in - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: bug fixed in plug-ins for E1701A/D and E1803D, do no longer limit laser on/off delay too restrictive - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: bug fixed in 3D slice group, added control elements are now placed at correct position - BeamServer: new UI-command 3023 to start marking operation with loop enabled but without mark dialogue (exits with command CmdStopMark) - BeamServer: new commands CmdGetEstMarkTime, CmdSavePrj, CmdSavePenPrj - BeamServer: fixed bug in CmdZoomElem when view is hidden - BeamSDK: new properties BEAM_TAG_INNER_LINES_CNT, BEAM_TAG_INTERLEAVE_SIZE, BEAM_TAG_BORDERHATCH and BEAM_TAG_HATCH_REPEAT for element "Hatcher" - BeamSDK: new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_EST_MARKTIME, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SAVE_PRJ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SAVE_PEN_PRJ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_ELEMENT_FLAGS, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_ELEMENT_FLAGS, BEAM_TAG_CMD_LOAD_HW_PRJ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_LOAD_PAYLOAD_PRJ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_ELEMENT_MTX, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_ELEMENT_MTX - OpenSDK: new error code OAPC_ERROR_STOPPED 5.1 - BeamConstruct: added support for Hermes automation interface ("The Hermes Standard") - BeamConstruct: added option to suppress start-up warning message - BeamConstruct: added support for traceability via Smart Interface - BeamConstruct: customisable dimensions of matrix in pen parameter wizard - BeamConstruct: added support for um-resolution in fieldsize and -position for E1803D, E1701D, RTC6, RTC5 and G-Code plug-in - BeamConstruct: 3D Mesh slicing speed increased - BeamConstruct: import speed of all non-BEAMP files improved - BeamConstruct: added new state "paused" to Smart Interface - BeamConstruct: added option to 3D Sliced Group to perform one single movement instead of complex inter-slice-operations - BeamConstruct: added editing-function to align several selected elements at each other - BeamConstruct: added option to let the scanner jump to a defined home-position after a marking operation - BeamConstruct: added hatch distance as parameter to pen parameter wizard - BeamConstruct: added function to pen parameter wizard to take over the pen-settings matrix as normal project - BeamConstruct: added missing Z-coordinate and Z-buttons in "Manual" tab-pane of mark dialogue - BeamConstruct: added key shortcuts to F1 start pilot laser or F3 to start mark operation when marking dialogue is opened - BeamConstruct: disabled all scanhead-related comboboxes in case of single head application - BeamConstruct: images of pen parameter wizard and motion buttons now customisable - BeamConstruct: added option in "Wait for input" element to open a message with freely definable message - BeamConstruct: bug fixed when submitting single 3D coordinate to scanner card - BeamConstruct: speed bug fixed when jumping to single scanner position out of mark dialogue - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in parallel marking of multihead data - BeamConstruct: fixed crash when deleting unused pens - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in option to auto-slice 3D-meshes - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in slice-end offset of 3D slice groups - BeamConstruct: fixed memory consumption bug when slicing 3D models - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in spiral element - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in setting of QSwitch legth for SCAPS USC-1, USC-2 and USC3 - CorrCorrect: fixed bug in "try correction" function - BeamServer: new commands CmdSetLoopRepeat, CmdGetPosX, CmdGetPosY, CmdGetPosZ, CmdGetOutline, CmdGetElemNum, CmdSelPrj, CmdGetPrjName, CmdGetPrjPath, CmdGetScaleX, CmdGetScaleY, CmdGetScaleZ - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: fixed bug in binary data provided by Capture plug-in - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: added option to E1701P plug-in to define order in which axes have to be referenced - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: E1701P plug-in now invokes referencing automatically after initialisation - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: fixed bug in maximum speed check of E1701M and E1701P plug-ins - BeamSDK: new element commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_AUTO_ARRANGE, BEAM_TAG_CMD_RESLICE, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SHOW_SLICE, BEAM_TAG_CMD_MARK_SLICE - BeamSDK: new global commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_LOCK_DRAWAREA, BEAM_TAG_CMD_IMPORT_3D, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_RESULT_CALLABACK, BEAM_TAG_CMD_LOAD_PROC_PRJ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_ELEM_NUM, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SELECT_OUTMTX, BEAM_TAG_CMD_RESET_OUTMTX, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SELECT_PRJ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_PRJ_NAME, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_PRJ_PATH, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_SCALEX, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_SCALEY, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_SCALEZ - OpenSDK: new structure subtype OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_SYNC added - OpenSDK: added new functions oapc_serial_usb_port_open() and oapc_util_duplicate_bin_data() 5.0 - BeamConstruct: faster handling of pen lists in 3D Slice Group in case of huge amount of pens - BeamConstruct: number of pulses used for a dot shown in pen-settings - BeamConstruct: added new possibilities to load/save hardware settings and pens/geometries/control elements separately - BeamConstruct: added support for USC-3 scanner controller card - BeamConstruct: added Smart Interface for Industry 4.0/Smart Factory applications - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in restoring of mark dialogue position - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in "End offset" parameter of 3D Slice Group - BeamConstruct: fixed bugs in pilot laser control - BeamServer: new UI-value 3022 to start pilot laser without mark dialogue opened - BeamServer: added new command CmdCaptureView to capture and save the drawing area - BeamServer: added new command CmdLoadPenPrj to load pen definitions only - BeamServer: added new commands CmdSetPenFreq, CmdSetPenPower, CmdSetPenColour, CmdSetPenOffColour, CmdSetPenJSpeed, CmdSetPenMSpeed, CmdSetPenLOffDelay, CmdSetPenLOnDelay, CmdSetPenJDelay, CmdSetPenMDelay, CmdSetPenPDelay, CmdSetPenSpotsize, CmdSetPenWobbleAmp, CmdSetPenWobbleFreq, CmdSetPenPLength, CmdSetPenFPK, CmdSetPenStdByPLength and CmdSetPenStdByFreq - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: fixed bug in fiber laser handling of RTC3/RTC4/RTC5/RTC6 - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: fixed bug in Text element when searching for compatible font - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct/libcnco: fixed bug in function to merge geometries - BeamSDK: added new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_ZOOMELEM, BEAM_TAG_CMD_ZOOMWA, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SETZOOM, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SWITCH_VIEW, BEAM_TAG_CMD_LOAD_PEN_PRJ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SETVIEWCOLOUR, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SETWACOLOUR, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SETEACOLOUR - BeamSDK: added source-code of plug-ins for E1701D and E1701A - BeamSDK: new capability flag INT_CAPABILITY_SYNC_MARKER for scanner controllers - BeamSDK: fixed bug when capturing view from invisible drawing area 4.8 - BeamConstruct: imported 3D models can be used as support structure now - BeamConstruct: added new panel in main window for manual motion operations - BeamConstruct: Faulhaber motion plug-in now sends current position on opening of mark dialogue - BeamConstruct: images of big buttons in mark dialogue and pen parameter wizard can be customised now - BeamConstruct: new pilot laser option to keep it on all the time - BeamConstruct: contour hatching bug fixed when geometry has non-zero Z-level - BeamConstruct: added button to mark-dialogue to manually turn on and off the pilot laser - BeamConstruct: added toolbar button to open mark dialogue - BeamConstruct: settings added for editing area which shows allowed range apart from every scanheads maximum working area - BeamConstruct: removend non-OpenGL legacy code from 3D view - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in handling of skip count and skip offset - BeamConstruct: hatching bug fixed for support structures in sliced 3D meshes - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in Geometry tab-pane, imported 3D meshes always can be rotated via all axes - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: characters can be set also by specifying their related unicode number within additional input field - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: menu items can be disabled by external configuration file - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: rectangle primary element supports rounded corners and input of nominal width/height/depth now - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: added option ot text element to set nominal (=total line) height - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: save position of window splitters - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: bug fixed in hatcher which could lead to missing hatch lines - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: bug fixed when dragging/scaling multiple selected elements - CNConstruct: fixed working area drawing bug - BeamServer: new commands CmdSetEAX, CmdSetEAY, CmdSetEAZ, CmdSetEAWidth, CmdSetEAHeight and CmdSetEADepth - BeamServer: new commands CmdDeleteAllEnt, CmdSetPilotMode and CmdSetPilotLoop - BeamServer: new UI-value 3021 to start pilot laser - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: E1701P plug-in now supports rectangular working areas - ControlRoom: fixed bug in AngularMeter when choosing more than 10 sectors - ControlRoom: added new predefined symbols to image button - CorrCorrect: CSV parsing bug fixed and error message added when data can't be read - BeamSDK: introduced new view flags BEAM_SHOWUI_SIMPLE_ELEMENTVIEW - BeamSDK: new element tag BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_TYPE - BeamSDK: added new command tags BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_EA_X, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_EA_Y, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_EA_Z, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_EA_WIDTH, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_EA_HEIGHT and BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_EA_DEPTH - BeamSDK: new command tag BEAM_TAG_PEN_PULSELENGTHNSEC - BeamSDK: new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_DELETE_ALL_ELEMENTS, BEAM_TAG_CMD_PILOT_SET_MODE and BEAM_TAG_CMD_PILOT_SET_LOOP - BeamSDK: new UI-value 3021 to start pilot laser - OpenSDK: structure oapc_bin_struct_ioctrl extended by member pilotLaser and flag IOCTRL_PILOTLASER 4.7 - ControlRoom: new plug-in to use E1701M as Ethernet- or USB-based IO-board - BeamConstruct: added buttons to mark-dialogue to increment/decrement/reset serial numbers - BeamConstruct: stop looped marking operation when no more input data are available for at least one element - BeamConstruct: for scanner controllers which support this feature, in Custom Output element the LP8 output now can be set optionally bitwise - BeamConstruct: improved performance of sliced 3D elements by hatching on demand - BeamConstruct: analogue outputs now also can be used for emitting generic mark in progress signal - BeamConstruct: Custom Output element extended to send data via serial interface - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in pen parameter wizard - BeamConstruct: step through slices of a 3D project during marking automatically - BeamConstruct: added option to download of named stand-alone data to send complete vector data to all cards in multihead-environments - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: XPS added as input file format - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: fixed bug in SVG importer when parsing specific SVG files - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: fixed bug in DXF importer when parsing files of some specific DXF versions - BeamConstruct/libcnco: fixed bug in saving of runtime data under Windows when OpenAPC package was installed in standard location - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: printer-driver-based laser scanner plug-in extended to optionally provide power via line colour - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: added support for Scanlab RTC6 - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: added support for Faulhaber motion drives - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: G-Code plug-in extended to (optionally) support laser-specific parameters via M7xx codes - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: added support for fourth axis in IMS/Schneider MDrive(tm) motor plug-in - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: fixed bug in E1701A and E1701D scanner controller card plug-in when operated in IPG mode but without LP8 Extension) - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: added offset X/Y correction parameter to settings of E1701A, E1701D and E1803D scanner controller card - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: added mode to simulate MOTF to settings of E1701A, E1701D and E1803D scanner controller card - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: fixed crash in RTC ScanAlone plug-in which appears on close when related DLL is missing - BeamSDK: new command tags BEAM_TAG_LP8_1_BITS, BEAM_TAG_LP8_2_BITS, BEAM_TAG_LP8_1_MASK, BEAM_TAG_LP8_2_MASK, BEAM_TAG_SERIAL_1 - BeamSDK: new command BEAM_TAG_CMD_HAS_DEFAULT_CFG - BeamSDK: new UI-flags BEAM_SHOWUI_GEOMETRY_IN_TOOLBAR and BEAM_SHOWUI_3D_VIEW_ONLY - ControlRoom: Scheider MDrive plug-in extended to work with four axes when accessed via control data 4.6 - BeamConstruct: basic support for import of GCode data - BeamConstruct: added option to "External Trigger" primary element to continue marking only after a given MOTF-distance has passed by - BeamConstruct: "Auto-arrange" function extended to work with normal groups and primary elements too - BeamConstruct: "Extrude" function extended to create 3D meshes out of primitives - BeamConstruct: added function to merge several 3D meshes - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in "Merge" function - BeamConstruct: speed settings bug fixed in GCode output plug-in - BeamConstruct: deadlock fixed when sliding through slice group - BeamConstruct: allow to disable contour marking of 3D slices via "process geometry" option - BeamConstruct: new 2D barcode "Grid Matrix"" - BeamConstruct: added support for variable, angle-dependent polygon delay - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: added support for third axis in E1701P controller - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: added support for Sunny(R) SCS-USB scanner controller card - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: added support for Raylase(R) RLC-USB scanner controller card - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: added slant correction, 3D field depth and 3D z distance parameters to E1701A/E1701D/E1803D plug-ins - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: added option to E1701A/E1701D/E1803D plug-ins to support JPT fiber lasers with PWM control via serial commands - BeamSDK: new functions cnco_geom_smoothen() and cnco_geom_close_polygons() added to libcnco - BeamSDK: new capability flag INT_CAPABILITY_VAR_POLYDELAY for scanner controllers - OpenSDK: new flag TOOLPARAM_VALIDFLAG_VARIABLE_PARAM3 added for struct oapc_bin_struct_ctrl - CorrCorrect/libcnco: added support for Sunny(R) 5x5 point correction files - ControlRoom: fixed bug in MODBUS RTU Master plug-ins - ControlRoom: new plug-in to use E1701M as general purpose IO-board 4.5 - BeamConstruct PRO: added support for showing head state in scanner state window - BeamConstruct: new barcode types DotCode and HanXin - BeamConstruct: Curve Distortion Postprocessing element extended to work into Z-direction too - BeamConstruct: added parameter "Simmer" for SPI lasers in pen settings dialogue - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in DXF importer - BeamConstruct: fixed displaying bug when deleting a pen in pen settings dialogue - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in displaying of line length of grouped elements - BeamConstruct: fixed Z-centering bug - BeamConstruct: no longer hide plug-in error messages with progress bar - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in loading and saving of 3D meshes - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in displaying geometry parameters when modifying 3D mesh - BeamConstruct: improved performance of 3D slicing function - BeamConstruct: added (missing) bugfix for vertical hatches - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: bug fixed in MDrive plug-in - CorrCorrect: crash fixed when clicking into grid - BeamServer: new commands CmdSetCardOutpVal, CmdSetCardOutpMask, CmdSetCardOutp, CmdGetSizeX, CmdGetSizeY, CmdGetSizeZ - BeamSDK: new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_CARD_OUTPUT_VALUE, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_CARD_OUTPUT_MASK, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_CARD_OUTPUT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_SIZEX, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_SIZEY, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_SIZEZ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_POSX, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_POSY, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_POSZ - BeamSDK: improved performance of some libcnco-functions, introduced new functions cnco_geom_append_fast(), cnco_geom_realloc_fast() 4.4 - BeamConstruct PRO: new barcode function where inverted and normal barcode are embedded into one element with two different pens assigned to it - BeamConstruct: added option to write mark process data into logfile - BeamConstruct: fixed memory bug and font list bug in text plug-in - BeamConstruct: fixed bugs in fiducial recognition - BeamConstruct: fixed bugs in TrueType font handling - BeamConstruct: fixed bugs in hatching - BeamConstruct: fixed bugs in SVG import - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: fixed bug in hatching of complex, interrupted geometries - BeamServer: more robust reaction on illegal commands/parameters - BeamServer: new commands CmdGetPen, CmdGetPenFreq, CmdGetPenPower, CmdGetPenColour, CmdGetPenOffColour, CmdGetPenJSpeed, CmdGetPenMSpeed, CmdGetPenLOffDelay, CmdGetPenLOnDelay, CmdGetPenJDelay, CmdGetPenMDelay, CmdGetPenPDelay, CmdGetPenSpotsize, CmdGetPenWobbleAmp, CmdGetPenWobbleFreq, CmdGetPenPLength, CmdGetPenFPK, CmdGetPenStdByPLength, CmdGetPenStdByFreq, CmdGetPenValues, CmdSelHead, CmdSetWAX, CmdSetWAY, CmdSetWAZ, CmdSetWAWidth, CmdSetWAHeight, CmdSetUniIO2, CmdSetUniIO3, CmdSetUniIO4, CmdSetUniIO5, CmdSetPosX, CmdSetPosY, CmdSetPosZ, CmdSetRotX, CmdSetRotY, CmdSetRotZ, CmdSetScaleX, CmdSetScaleY, CmdSetScaleZ, CmdImport, CmdDeleteEnt, CmdSetHatchAngle, CmdSetHatchDist, CmdSetHatchPen, CmdSetHatch, CmdSelEnt, CmdLaserOn, CmdLaserOff, CmdGetCardInpVal - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: E1701L plug-in removed - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: UIRT support removed - BeamSDK: new command tags BEAM_TAG_CMD_SELECT_HEAD, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_WA_X, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_WA_Y, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_WA_Z, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_WA_WIDTH, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_WA_HEIGHT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_UNI_IO2, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_UNI_IO3, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_UNI_IO4, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_UNI_IO5, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_POSX, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_POSY, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_POSZ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_SCALEX, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_SCALEY, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_SCALEZ, BEAM_TAG_CMD_IMPORT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_LASER_ON, BEAM_TAG_CMD_LASER_OFF, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_CARD_INPUT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_CARD_INPUT_VALUE, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_CARD_INPUT_CAPABILITES - BeamSDK: new element type BEAM_TAG_PRILASERIN - BeamSDK: fixed initialisation bug when using BeamConstruct-API out of a non-wxWidgets Windows-application - OpenSDK: new structure constant OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_LASERONOFF - ControlRoom: bug fixed in usage of checkbox and radiobutton HMI element 4.3 - BeamConstruct: added function to crop a vision image - BeamConstruct: extended maximum size of elements - BeamConstruct: new GUI commands, code 2206 to delete a selected element, code 2309 to open live image clipping window - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in bitmap marking for E1701 (b/w images) - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in importing of bitmaps under Linux - BeamConstruct: fixed bugs in image capture and vision system - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in communication to scanner controller plug-ins - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in popup menus of 3D side views - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in 3D OpenGL view of points - BeamServer: new commands CreateLog and WriteLogNote - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: fixed bug in movement of inverted E1701M axes - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: support for inverted logic of reference and limit switches added to E1701M stepper and Z-shifter plug-ins - BeamSDK: new UI-constant BEAM_SHOWUI_ERRORMESSAGES - OpenSDK: new XML-tag for dependencies between plug-in GUI elements 4.2 - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in saving of sliced projects - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in deletion of elements - BeamConstruct: fixed bug in setting power for bitmap marking for E1701 - BeamConstruct: speed up of USB data transfer for E1701 - BeamConstruct: using OpenGL for 3D view - BeamConstruct: added option in settings to disable sub-panels in Mark-dialogue - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: E1701D and E1701A data download speed improved - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: E1701A supports freely choosable analog voltage in range +-2..10 V - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: new plug-in for E1701P XY Plotter Controller - BeamServer: new command "CmdSetElemText" - CorrCorrect: added UNDO/REDO functions - CorrCorrect: bug in algorithm of cnco_corr_adjust_single() fixed (ignores Z now) - BeamSDK: no visibility-flag BEAM_SHOWUI_NO_DRAWAREA_CONTEXTMENU 4.1 - BeamConstruct PRO: button for pen parameter wizard moved to upper left corner of pen settings dialogue - BeamConstruct PRO: pen parameter wizard parameters extended by jump delay, mark delay, laser on and off delay - BeamConstruct PRO: added option to 3D Slice Group to auto-create support structures for 3D models - BeamConstruct: added support for PLY files - BeamConstruct: added option to export slices into separate HPGL/PLT files - BeamConstruct: added pen option to align laser beam to vector (inside a polygons geometry, outside a polygons geometry and centred on vector) - BeamConstruct: option added to 3D Slice Group to have own pens for every hatch-definition instead of global pen sequences for all slices of a group - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: bug in hatcher fixed that could lead to hatch lines outside of polygons - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: hatcher-options added to hatch patterns and outer lines outside of a polygon (to be used as enclosure of contours) - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: new plug-in for E1701L Laser Controller - BeamSDK: added new element command BEAM_TAG_CMD_APPLY_CHANGES to apply matrix modifications - BeamSDK: added new element type BEAM_TAG_SCANNERBM and related options - BeamSDK: added new option BEAM_TAG_RESET_FLAGS to reset existing flags - BeamSDK: new functions cnco_clip_create(), cnco_clip_get_result(), cnco_clip_release(), cnco_clip_set_solution(), cnco_clip_copy_solution, cnco_clip_outline() and cnco_clip_bool() - OpenSDK: use param1 of OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_SLICESTART and OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_SLICEEND for slice thickness - OpenSDK: new structure-subtype OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_POWERDOWN - OpenSDK: struct config_laser_controller extended by capability-field 4.0 - OpenSDK: new structure defines OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_SLICESTART, OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_SLICEEND, OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_FASTOUTPUTCTRL, OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_STOPAXIS, OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_HALT - OpenSDK: new data subdefines OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_DATA_GENERIC_* with length in param1 - OpenSDK: new XML-tag for dependencies between plug-in GUI elements - OpenSDK: new struct config_pcontrol for definitions used by process control plug-in - OpenSDK: members analogue16_1 and analogue16_2 added to struct oapc_bin_struct_ioctrl - BeamSDK: new capability flag INT_CAPABILITY_CAN_HALT for scanner controllers - BeamConstruct: Generic Laser Controller extended by commands and delays that are executed before/after a single slice (out of a sliced 3D mesh) - BeamConstruct: option added to mark dialogue to pause marking while processing slices - BeamConstruct: automatic slicing of 3D meshes is now done optionally and can be enabled/disabled in settings - BeamConstruct: interface and plug-in added to control additional process parameters parallel to marking operation - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: hatch mode "Inner Lines" improved to work with all kinds of polygons - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: hatch speed increased - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: bug fixed on inserting of existing project - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: new plug-in for reading temerature from Optris(tm) LT pyrometer - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: new plug-in for controlling Makeblock(tm) XY-plotter - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: new plug-in for controlling SPI(tm) G4 lasers - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: new plug-in for controlling Lyocon(tm) LY-001 scanner controller - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: new parameter "Limit Switch Travel Offset" in E1701M plug-in - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: E1701D plug-in extended by options to invert LaserGate/LaserA/LaserB signals 3.9 LTS - long term support version 3.7 - BeamConstruct PRO: import several meshes to same Slice Group to process them in parallel - BeamConstruct PRO: function added to auto-arrange 3D meshes of a Slice Group in XY direction and to auto-align them in Z direction - BeamConstruct PRO: element parameters skip count and offset added to give the possibility to not to mark these elements periodically - BeamConstruct: bugs fixed in postprocessing elements that could cause problems when used within Active Move Group - BeamConstruct: showing own element for 3D mesh in element tree with own possibility to show/hide its geometry from view - BeamConstruct: speed when slicing and loading sliced projects improved - BeamConstruct: Import support for WaveFront OBJ files added - BeamConstruct: Laser On/Off Delays can be configured to be freely settable without restrictions - BeamConstruct: progress bar added to mark dialogue to show progress during marking of sliced data - BeamConstruct: hatch parameter "number of inner lines" added to have influence on hatch lines count - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: bugs fixed in IO-definitions of RTC scanner controller cards - ControlRoom: bugs fixed in MODBUS plug-ins - OpenSDK: new flag TOOLPARAM_DESCFLAG_IS_SLICE added for struct oapc_bin_struct_ctrl - BeamSDK: new coordinate flags CNCO_COORDELEM_FLAG_SLICEBEGIN and CNCO_COORDELEM_FLAG_SLICEEND - BeamSDK: added new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_CAPTURE_VIEW_PARAM_WIDTH, BEAM_TAG_CMD_CAPTURE_VIEW_PARAM_HEIGHT, BEAM_TAG_CMD_CAPTURE_VIEW_PARAM_PATH and BEAM_TAG_CMD_CAPTURE_VIEW - BeamSDK: new capability flag INT_CAPABILITY_HAS_MIP_SIGNAL for scanner controllers - BeamSDK: new visibility flag BEAM_SHOWUI_NO_MARKPANEL_PROGRESS 3.6 - BeamConstruct PRO: automatic project selection via digital inputs of connected scanner controller - BeamConstruct PRO: Pen Parameter wizard now supports parameter-evaluation for frequency, speed, power and pulse-width - BeamConstruct PRO: available for 64 bit platforms - BeamConstruct: speed of marking in a loop (from mark-dialogue) enhanced - BeamConstruct: bugs fixed in manual motion operations done out of Mark-dialogue - BeamConstruct/libe1701: stop-command enhanced and secured to return only when marking has stopped really - BeamConstruct: automatic optimisation/lossless reduction of marking data for higher output speed - BeamConstruct: new option to initialise all devices on software-startup automatically - BeamConstruct: laser controller and z-shifter settings moved to "Misc"-panel (because they don't really belong to "Scanner") - BeamServer: new commands CmdListName, CmdListUID, CmdZoomElem, CmdSetSelEnt, CmdRefresh and CmdRedraw - BeamServer: new command line parameter UI-flags for suppressing startup warning and disabling all edit functionality - BeamServer: new UI-command 3020 to start one marking operation with loop enabled (exits when stop is pressed) - OpenSDK: binary subtypes OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_AXISSTATE used to request current axis position and speed at a motion controller - OpenSDK: binary subtype OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_DYNGEOMSTART and structure oapc_bin_struct_dyn_data to submit dynamic marking data - OpenSDK: new binary subtypes OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_DYNGEOMSTART, OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_DYNGEOMEND and OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_RESETTIMER - BeamSDK: new functions beam_list_element_names() and beam_list_element_uids() - BeamSDK: new UI-command 3020 to start one marking operation with loop enabled (exits when stop is pressed) - BeamSDK: new UI-flags BEAM_SHOWUI_NO_STARTUP_WARNING, BEAM_SHOWUI_NO_USER_EDIT_FCTS and BEAM_SHOWUI_NO_USER_EXIT - BeamSDK: new capability flag INT_CAPABILITY_DYN_STANDALONE for scanner controller plug-ins - BeamSDK: new coordinate-flag CNCO_COORDELEM_FLAG_METADATA - BeamSDK: full SDK is available for free and licensed under the GPL for non-commercial use - BeamSDK: added support for element properties BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_ARRAY_CNT_X/Y/Z, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_ARRAY_DIST_X/Y/Z and BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_LOOP_REPEAT - BeamSDK: new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_OPEN_DEVICES and BEAM_TAG_CMD_CLOSE_DEVICES 3.5 - BeamConstruct PRO: define separate project containing control operations to be done between every slice in 3D/SLS printing mode - no need to add inter-slice-elements manually and every time with this feature - BeamConstruct PRO: multihead-applications now with up to 9 head - BeamConstruct: parameter added to 3D slice group and import dialogue to perform data reduction on sliced geometry - BeamConstruct: CLI-import extended by option to choose range of layers to be imported and to correct CLI unit factor - BeamConstruct: option added to hide hatch of sliced geometries - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in deletion of coloured scanner bitmap elements - BeamConstruct: UI displaying bug in property tab pane of scanner bitmaps fixed - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in loading/handling of sliced data which slowed down everything dramatically - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in displaying of single slices when control elements are involved in 3D SLS printing project - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in importing of binary CLI files - CorrCorrect: support for CTI correction file format added - ControlRoom PRO/BeamConstruct PRO: plug-in to submit control data as GCode via TCP/IP (in category "Laser" but can be used for generic motion too) - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: added support for E1701M stepper motor controller to be used for four independent axes (E1701M Stepper Motor plug-in) or as one-axis focus shifter (E1701M Focus Shifter plug-in) - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: splitted output mode added to ETH6608 plug-in - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: bug in configuration of third axis in MDrive plug-in fixed - ControlRoom: new UI type 3004 (ID_MAINWIN_PROC_MARKSILENT) supported in BeamConstruct-HMI-plug-in - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: bug fixed in data matrix generation - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: function added to delete a pen - OpenSDK: libe1701m-files added to SDK for usage of E1701M Binary API out of own applications - OpenSDK: libe1701inter-files added to SDK for usage of E1701 intermediate libary - OpenSDK: new binary subtypes OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_AXISSTATE and OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_WAITINPUTCTRL added - OpenSDK: unused uHalfperiod member disabled in struct oapc_bin_struct_laserctrl - OpenSDK: new XML-tag for float-types in XML-UI-descriptions - OpenSDK: new instance-flag OAPC_INSTANCE_SEND_NAMED_DATA for plug-in - BeamSDK: libcnco supporting new correction table type CNCO_CORR_TYPE_CTI_XML now - BeamSDK: new command BEAM_TAG_CMD_DELETE_PEN to globally delete a pen - BeamSDK: new command BEAM_TAG_CMD_APPEND_PRJ to load a project while keeping project settings and pens of current project - BeamSDK: new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_WRITE_MARK, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SEND_MARK and BEAM_TAG_CMD_SEND_NAMED_MARK to send/write (named) stand-alone data to/for a scanner card - BeamSDK: new tags BEAM_TAG_FLAG_U_REL, BEAM_TAG_FLAG_U_ENABLE, BEAM_TAG_FLAG_U_STOP, BEAM_TAG_FLAG_U_HOME, BEAM_TAG_MOVE_U, BEAM_TAG_SPEED_U for motion element - BeamSDK: new tag BEAM_TAG_CMD_SELECT_ELEMENT_NAME to find and select an element by its name - BeamSDK: unused pen-tag BEAM_TAG_PEN_HALFPERIOD disabled and marked as deprecated - BeamSDK: new UI type 3004 (ID_MAINWIN_PROC_MARKSILENT) supported - BeamSDK: new function beam_get_element_uid() to get an UID from an elements name and beam_is_marking_finished() to check if a single marking operation (UI-commands 3003 and 3004) is still running - BeamSDK: struct config_scanner_controller extended by members availableInputPorts, disabledInputPort, disabledInputBits - BeamSDK: new capability flag INT_CAPABILITY_WAITINPUT for scanner cards 3.4 - BeamConstruct/BeamSDK: bug in usage of BEAM_SHOWUI_NO_MARKPANEL_MOTION UI-flags fixed - BeamConstruct: function added to mark-dialogue to manually control XY-position of scanhead - BeamConstruct: load project file via command line parameter - BeamConstruct: bug in loading of loop-count parameter fixed - BeamConstruct: bug in enabling/disabling of processing functions fixed - BeamConstruct: dependencies and logical checks extended for pen settings to avoid illegal parameter combinations - BeamConstruct: useles selection of slices in 3D rapid prototyping mode removed - CorrCorrect: function for spatial correction calculation added - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: invalid capability flag removed from several plug-ins - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: bugs and compatibility issues fixed in plug in for SCAPS USC-1/USC-2 scanner controller card - ControlRoom: MODBUS RTU plug-ins: read/write range of data now - ControlRoom: OpenHPlayer shows license retrieval information in console now - ControlRoom: Plot 2D HMI plug-in extended to support scientific notation and logarithmic Y-axis - OpenSDK: struct config_info extended to handle laser controller and focus shifter data - OpenSDK: new IO-control-flag IOCTRL_ANALOGUE_12_4 - BeamSDK: new UI-flag BEAM_SHOWUI_NO_MARKPANEL_MANUAL - BeamSDK: new coordinate flag CNCO_COORDELEM_FLAG_NOVECTOR 3.3 - BeamConstruct PRO: user and privilege management to restrict user-level dependent access to applications functions - BeamConstruct PRO: pen parameter finder wizard to find best frequency/power combination - BeamConstruct PRO: show scanhead information and visualise digital in- and outputs - BeamConstruct PRO: menu shortcuts can be edited freely - BeamConstruct PRO: mark loop counter for single elements - BeamConstruct PRO: input plug-in for reading data out of CSV database/table files - BeamConstruct PRO: extended editing functions added for Triangle, Rectangle, Line and Polygon via hotkey - ControlRoom PRO: LUA IO freely programmable plug-in - ControlRoom PRO: Chart HMI plug-in - ControlRoom PRO: managed layout for automatic arrangement of UI elements - ControlRoom PRO: images can be embedded into project to avoid external references - ControlRoom PRO: menu shortcuts can be edited freely - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: function added to insert an other project into an already loaded one - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: bug in stepper motor control via scanner card fixed - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: bugs in hatcher fixed - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: bugs in UNDO/REDO function fixed - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: bug in settings of visual grid size fixed - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: crash while exporting to CSV/HPGL fixed - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: ETH6608 plug-in supports mark start by external trigger now (requres hardware variant B or newer and possibly an update of ETH6608 firmware) - CNConstruct: bug in CSV export format fixed - BeamConstruct/BeamSDK: new user interface ID 10006 for user login toolbar button - BeamSDK: new property tag BEAM_TAG_PRESCALE for text elements - BeamSDK: new functions beam_get_pen_value(), beam_get_pen_name() and new pen-related tag BEAM_TAG_PEN_NAME; unused function beam_set_pen() removed - BeamSDK: new tags BEAM_TAG_PEN_OFF_COLOUR, BEAM_TAG_PEN_JUMPSPEED, BEAM_TAG_PEN_MARKSPEED, BEAM_TAG_PEN_LASEROFFDELAY, BEAM_TAG_PEN_LASERONDELAY, BEAM_TAG_PEN_JUMPDELAY, BEAM_TAG_PEN_MARKDELAY, BEAM_TAG_PEN_POLYDELAY, BEAM_TAG_PEN_SPOTSIZE, BEAM_TAG_PEN_WOBBLEAMP, BEAM_TAG_PEN_WOBBLEFREQ, BEAM_TAG_PEN_PULSELENGTH, BEAM_TAG_PEN_FIRSTPULSE, BEAM_TAG_PEN_HALFPERIOD, BEAM_TAG_PEN_STANDBY_PULSELENGTH, BEAM_TAG_PEN_STANDBY_FREQ for pen functions - BeamSDK: new init-parameters BEAM_TAG_INIT_MENUBAR, BEAM_TAG_INHIBIT_ELEMENT, BEAM_TAG_INIT_DEFAULTSETTINGS and BEAM_TAG_INIT_CUSTPARENT added - BeamSDK: UI-flag BEAM_SHOWUI_TOOLBAR activated - BeamSDK: BEAM_SHOWUI_STATUSBAR and BEAM_SHOWUI_LOCK_DRAWAREA added - BeamSDK: new commands BEAM_TAG_CMD_SCANNERCTRL_CONFIG, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_ELEMENT_SELECTED, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_ELEMENT_SELECTED, BEAM_TAG_CMD_IS_ELEMENT_SELECTED, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_PEN, BEAM_TAG_CMD_GET_PEN, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_ROTX, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_ROTY, BEAM_TAG_CMD_SET_ROTZ and BEAM_TAG_CMD_ADD_UNDO_STEP added - BeamSDK: constants *_ENTITY* renamed to *_ELEMENT* - ControlRoom/CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: support for optional hardware dongle that replaces online-activation of software - OpenSDK: struct config_info extended to handle image capture data - OpenSDK: new structure type OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_OUTPUTRESP as response to submitted structure OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_OUTPUTCTRL 3.2 - BeamConstruct: only parts of a project can be saved (optionally) - BeamConstruct: option to disable image capture automatically during motion or marking processes - BeamConstruct: freely definable outputs for signals "Ready For Marking" and "Marking Active" - BeamConstruct: support of false colour vision images - BeamConstruct: support for multi-coloured bitmap marking processes - BeamConstruct: bug in IPG mode of USC-1/USC-2 fixed - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: import speed of ASCII-based file formats dramatically increased - BeamConstruct/BeamSDK: new user interface ID 1010 for saving a project with options - BeamSDK: SCARD_CMD_ defines introduced for standard scanner card numeric commands - BeamSDK: new functions beam_create_pen() and beam_modify_pen() with related new tags BEAM_TAG_PEN_FREQUENCY, BEAM_TAG_PEN_POWER and BEAM_TAG_PEN_COLOUR; new function beam_set_pen() to set a pen to an element - BeamSDK: new members mFieldSizeHeight, uFieldX, uFieldY and uFieldZ in struct config_scanner_controller - OpenSDK: new constant OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_STARTOUTPUT - OpenSDK: new error code OAPC_ERROR_LIBRARY_MISSING - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: new plug-in for printer driver based laser marking systems - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: bug in bitmap marking of Scanlab RTC cards fixed - ControlRoom: bug fixed in handling/configuration of Toggle Button - ControlRoom: Introducing a custom.property-file for translations in own HMI elements 3.1 - BeamConstruct: mark dialogue extended by possibilities to control motion axes manually - BeamConstruct: extended motion axis configuration possibilities (rename axis, enable homing on startup) - BeamConstruct: camera calibration in vision system extended to perform spatial position correction too - BeamConstruct: bug in enabling/disabling UI elements in motion primary plug-in fixed - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: support for IPG lasers added for all RTC cards and for PSC140P - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: bugs fixed for scannercard-based stepper motors - ControlRoom: added command line options -b, -x and -y to OpenPlayer to specify window caption and position - ControlRoom: new HMI elements "Free Line", "Frame" and "Ellipse" - ControlRoom: HMI element "Line" renamed to "Rectangle" - ControlRoom: new function to change Z-order of HMI elements - ControlRoom/BeamSDK: new user interface IDs 3011 and 3012 for opening and closing BeamConstruct devices, 3013 for showing scanner card/head state dialogue, 2308 for starting/stopping video capture - ControlRoom/SDK: new user interface flags OAPC_HMI_NO_UI_BG and OAPC_HMI_NO_UI_LAYOUT - SDK: predefined binary type OAPC_BIN_TYPE_TEXT, subtype OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_TEXT_PLAIN implemented (param1 and param2 used) - SDK: new structure subtypes OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_STOPOUTPUT and OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_BRAKEOUTPUT added - SDK: new structure struct oapc_bin_scanheadinfo and subtype OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_SCANHEADINFO added; types are used for request and data-response - SDK: new member rotationalAxes added to struct config_motion_controller - SDK: using param3 as loop counter in output-control-structures, OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_OUTPUTCTRL sent with response how many param3 pulses have been used 3.0 - BeamSDK: software development kit to use BeamConstruct API with example source codes, BeamConstruX COM control and complete sources of scanner controller plug-in (hardware-independent base implementation) - BeamConstruct: auto-scaling images in Fiducial and Camera Calibration panels - BeamConstruct: new Vision function for dropping existing camera calibration - BeamConstruct: new tool "CorrCorrect" added to create, edit and optimise BCORR HD correction files - BeamConstruct/SDK: plug-in extended to (optionally) issue status messages during initialisation and to cancel process in case of errors - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: crash in format wizard dialogue of serial number input element fixed - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: new UI command ID 2307 for dropping a camera calibration - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: ETH6608 plug-in now also supports BCORR HD and ScanLab CT5 correction files, bug fixed in loading of GCD correction format - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: R,G and B colour correction in Image Capture plug-in now also applies to greyscale images; options added to mirror the image in x/y direction - ControlRoom: Serial Interface plug-in extended by possibility to configure the line termination character and to use a XOR-checksummed transmission mode - ControlRoom: Flow Delay extended by numeric input to set delay values dynamically - SDK: new error code OAPC_ERROR_LICENSE - SDK: new plug-in capability / operation mode OAPC_ACCEPTS_SEND_DATA_MODE / OAPC_INSTANCE_SEND_DATA 2.7 - BeamConstruct: missing multihead support enabled for primary elements - BeamConstruct: Z-Shifter primary element and Z-Shifter plug-in HW configuration added - BeamConstruct: Vision system with teaching of fiducials, recognition and position correction added - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: bug in importing of DXF geometries fixed - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: position of element tree can be configured (separate panel or part of left hand sided tab-panes) - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: geometry calculation bug corrected in RTC5 plug-in - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: new plug-ins added to access Coherent Avia lasers and Sill focus shifters via TCP/IP - ControlRoom: BeamConstruct2Control and CNConstruct2Control moved to category "Conversion" - luaPLC: behaviour of callback-function oapc_ispace_recv_callback() changed, it can be called only when a call to oapc_thread_sleep() is active 2.6 - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: Undo/Redo-Function added - BeamConstruct: "Invert"-button of scanner bitmap pane replaced by checkbox - BeamConstruct: bug in pilot preview with bitmap images fixed - BeamConstruct: vector redrawing bug fixed - ControlRoom Editor: Sort HMI elements out of selection box - ControlRoom Editor: Undo/Redo-Function added - ControlRoom Editor: bug in compiling of projects fixed - ControlRoom Editor: bug in "snap to grid" drawing option fixed - ControlRoom: new flow plug-in category "Laser" - ControlRoom: Weecoboard-LCD plug-in added - ControlRoom: Image Button now supports predefined images in applications/systems general style - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: bitmap marking bugs fixed in all scanner controller cards - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: mark-busy bug fixed for RTC cards - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: useless "native resolution" option in image capture plug-in removed - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: program file parameter removed from RTCscanalone, crash fixed - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: initialisation bug fixed for RTC5 - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: support for generic, serial interface driven laser controllers added - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: support for 3rdEye PSCPx, Sintec Optronics ETH6608 and Raylase SP-ICE2 scanner controller cards - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: options and parameters in image capture plug-in changed - SDK: new category flag OAPC_FLOWCAT_LASER - SDK: new structure subtypes OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_MARKREADY, OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_ENDMARKREADY, OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_JOBSTART and OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_JOBEND - SDK: new image subtype OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_IMAGE_BW1 - SDK: new function oapc_path_split() in liboapcwx - SDK: new function oapc_util_check_maskbit() in liboapc - SDK: oapc_bin_struct_ioctrl extended by 16 bit analogue field 2.5 - SDK: new functions oapc_thread_signal_*() in liboapc for signaling/waiting for signals - SDK: removed superfluid XML-tag - SDK: new unicode conversion functions in liboapcwx - SDK: new function oapc_util_atof_dot() in liboapc - SDK: new structure type OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_POS_CORR and new structure oapc_bin_struct_pos_corr - SDK: oapc_bin_struct_ioctrl extended by 32 bit digital field - SDK: new capability flags OAPC_ACCEPTS_WRITE_DATA_MODE and instance mode define OAPC_INSTANCE_WRITE_DATA for writing stand alone data - SDK: new predefined configuration constant oapc_write_data_path - liboapcwx: new classes oapcFloatCtrl and oapcTextCtrl added - ControlRoom: Image Capture and Weecoboard-4M plug-ins added - ControlRoom: sporadic memory leak with binary data fixed - ControlRoom: new plug-ins "Position Correction to Number" - ControlRoom: new HMI plug-in "Position Correction" - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: customisation extended, toolbar and listimages can be replaced by own ones - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: bug in license checker code fixed - BeamConstruct/ControlRoom: "SCAPS(R) SCI" renamed to "SCAPS(R) USC-1/2" - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in controlling output pin of pilot laser and usage of bit 0 - BeamConstruct: pen's frequency, mark speed and jump speed can be set to have logarithmic behaviour - BeamConstruct: minimum and maximum values for frequency, jump speed and mark speed can be configured - BeamConstruct: pen frequency now set to correct values also when changed with slider - BeamConstruct: bug fixed for pulsed laser output and delay - BeamConstruct: handling of delays corrected in scanner controller plug-ins 2.4 - BeamConstruct: problem with assignment of pen and scanner delays and speeds fixed - BeamConstruct: adapting shown serial number when start value is changed to value outside of current range - BeamConstruct: new fast laser vector fonts added to text primary element, font combo boxes rearranged - BeamConstruct: problems with software stop of scanner controller plug-ins fixed - BeamConstruct: crash fixed in Linux variant of Ether Dream plug-in - BeamConstruct: circle primary element now supports creation of layered spheres in 3D mode - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: support for customised application, name, copyright, icon and splash image can be replaced by companies that resell the application together with machinery using an own brand - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: network load during operation of Ether Dream controller decreased to up to 50 % - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: accuracy problem fixed in Circle primary element - CNConstruct/BeamConstruct: crash fixed when loading specific projects with serial number - ControlRoom: bug fixed in setting threshold value of GSV2 plug-in - ControlRoom: missing Y rotation to Rotate Control plug-in added - ControlRoom: new function oapc_read_pvalue() and new XML definitions for related configuration dialogue definitions - ControlRoom: setting size of HMI window earlier - ControlRoom: bug in showing of user data in User Management Panel fixed - ControlRoom: drawing bug in tabbed panes corrected - liboapc: serial interface functions extended to support higher transmission speeds 2.3 - BeamConstruct: sporadic loss of configured 2D drawing mode corrected - BeamConstruct: split view in 3D editing mode to view all three sides plus 3D representation simultaneously - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in output of scanner bitmap data - BeamConstruct: lock fixed when pressing Cancel-button in mark dialogue during running operation - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: new plug in to control Ether Dream scanner controller card - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: new plug in to control SCANLAB RTC5 scanner controller card - ControlRoom: Symbol Button HMI plug-in extended by border size parameter - ControlRoom: new HMI plug-in "Flow Indicator" to visualise direction and speed of moved materials - ControlRoom: MODBUS Master plug-ins extended by special mode "Read IEEE754 Holding Register" to read 32 Bit float values out of two concatenated holding registers - ControlRoom: error handling problem fixed in MODBUS RTU Adressable Master - ControlRoom: deadlock between UI elements fixed - liboapc: bug fixed in Linux variant of thread functions - liboapc: bug fixed in ring buffer functions 2.2 - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: bug fixed in handling of (wrong) license key - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: crash fixed that happened some times when adding post processing element to existing geometries - BeamConstruct/SDK: missing function oapc_get_config_info_data() and structures config_info/config_motion_controller added to oapc_libio.h for extra motion definitions required for BeamConstruct - BeamConstruct: bug fixed for ungrouped elements - BeamConstruct: drawing bug fixed in 3D views - BeamConstruct: problems in handling/editing of slice group sub-elements fixed - BeamConstruct: crash fixed when removing global hatch pattern from 3D models - BeamConstruct: crash fixed when adding hatch patterns to sliced 3D models - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: working area calculation bug corrected in scanner controller plug-ins - ControlRoom: initialisation problem fixed in AS-i plug-in - ControlRoom: code-cleanup in text to speech converter plug-in - ControlRoom: missing initialisation added in Pipes-plug-in 2.1 - ControlRoom: MODBUS TCP plug-in extended by parameter "Unit ID" for configurable slave/unit identifiers - ControlRoom: bug corrected in setting of address in MODBUS RTU plug-ins - CNConstruct: new plug-in "Modbus TCP Slave" - ControlRoom/BeamConstruct: fixed laser mode, laser power and long delay bugs in RTC plug-ins - BeamConstruct: support added for importing 3D meshes and slicing them to single layers for rapid prototyping applications - BeamConstruct: option to invert a scanner bitmap out of its property panel - BeamConstruct: fixed crash when switching from one scanner card to an other one in project settings - BeamConstruct: allowing grouping of several scanner bitmaps also in case no vector element is involved - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in displaying correct scanner bitmap parameters when changing selection via element list - BeamConstruct: bug fixed in displaying of scanner bitmap property panel after importing new raster image - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: import of SVG format implemented - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: bug fixed in recognition of HPGL import files - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: new parameter "Smoothing Factor" in spiral for simple and dashed (arcs) line style - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: bug fixed in parameter handling in case two sub-elements of same type following directly after each other - BeamConstruct/CNConstruct: memory leak fixed that caused dramatically use of RAM for some operations - General: new utility-functions oapc_util_rb_alloc(), oapc_util_rb_release(), oapc_util_rb_push(), oapc_util_rb_empty(), oapc_util_rb_full(), oapc_util_rb_free(), oapc_util_rb_front(), oapc_util_rb_pop() and new struct oapc_util_rb_data in liboapc 2.0 - BeamConstruct: new application for construction of laser marking data and for direct marking out of application to test created laser data - CNConstruct: bug fixed in Polygon in handling of default parameters - CNConstruct: lossy reduction of geometry now also possible based on angles between vectors - CNConstruct: "Token Size" parameter of primary element "Barcode" extended to be used for more barcode types - CNConstruct: new primary elements "Bezier Curve" and "Star" - CNConstruct: bug in loading and saving of lighttable-images fixed - CNConstruct: bug in loading of grouped elements fixed - CNConstruct: point editing mode introduced - CNConstruct: support for Active Splitting and Active Movement Group implemented - CNConstruct: bug fixed in loading of postprocessed data - CNConstruct: bug in saving of Sine Postprocessing Element fixed - CNConstruct: new parameter "Angle Offset" in hatcher plug-in for rotational hatches within grouped elements - CNConstruct: Hatcher now supports custom dot pattern; bug fixed when hatching with offset - CNConstruct: bug in saving of Sine Postprocessing Element fixed and extended to support 3D sine distortions - CNConstruct: bug fixed in alternative line patterns of primary element "Circle" - ControlRoom, "Modbus TCP Master": byte-order in concatenated coils corrected - ControlRoom, "Stepper Driver Parport": extended to support binary control input data - ControlRoom: scanner controller plug-ins extended by binary OUT7 - ControlRoom: new stepper driver plug-in that utilitises the digital outputs of a scanner controller card - ControlRoom: bugs fixed in MDrive plug-in, support for rotational operation mode added - ControlRoom: new plug-in "BeamConstruct 2 Ctrl" for loading and processing of .beamp-files - restructuring of software package, OpenAPC is now the name of the full package while the applications consisting of Player, Editor and Debugger now are named "ControlRoom" - full marking support for SCANLAB RTCSCANalone controller card in direct operation mode - 2D vector marking support for JCZ LMC1 scanner controller card - binary structure types OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_OUTPUTCTRL and OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_INPUTCTRL plus related structure oapc_bin_struct_ioctrl introduced - binary structure type OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_BITMAP and struct oapc_bin_struct_bitmap introduced - binary structure type OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_LASERCTRL and struct oapc_bin_struct_laserctrl introduced - new binary types OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_WAITTRIG and OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_DELAY - new functions oapc_util_alloc_bin_data() and oapc_util_release_bin_data() introduced 1.9 - CNConstruct: bug fixed in detection and importing of some specific HPGL format variants - CNConstruct: bug fixed in hatcher plug-in that avoided complete filling of geometry for some angles - CNConstruct: crash fixed when changing position of sub-elements in primary - CNConstruct: handling of object repeats corrected - CNConstruct: layer selection buttons always enabled - CNConstruct: speed-up of text-element - CNConstruct: valid range of speed input field in motion controller element corrected - CNConstruct: avoiding incompatible font types - CNConstruct: crash fixed in hatcher - CNConstruct: handling of position/size input fields in geometry-panel corrected - CNConstruct: data saving bug fixed in bar code element - CNConstruct: crash fixed when deleting sub-elements - CNConstruct: pen assignment bug fixed in raster image import dialogue - CNConstruct: missing gamma correction implemented for raster image import - CNConstruct: translation file introduced for localisations - CNConstruct to Control plug in: handling of object repeats corrected- CNConstruct: bug fixed in parameter mapping of motion plug-in - bug fixed in communication with non-standard Modbus-slaves that ignore correct network byteorder - new translation files "common" and "construct" - bug in handling of unicode data corrected - new functions oapc_util_alloc_bin_data() and oapc_util_release_bin_data() in liboapc - new structure type oapc_bin_struct_bitmap and OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_BITMAP - new image type OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_IMAGE_GREY8 - transmission bug fixed for all binary data of type STRUCT - behaviour of float input fields changed, no empty fields possible now - bug fixed in configuration of SPI lasers - output bug fixed in laser scanner controller card plug-ins - new translation file "common" introduced for general texts - control structure defines extended by values TOOLPARAM_VALIDFLAG_X and TOOLPARAM_VALIDFLAG_Y - power calculation but fixed in plug-ins for RTC3, RTC4, USC-1 and USC-2 - default field position for RTC3, RTC4, USC-1 and USC-2 plug-ins changed 1.8 - CNConstruct: bug fixed in line hatching styles - CNConstruct: motion element added to control the additional Control data outputs of the OpenAPC CNConstruct 2 Control plug-in - CNConstruct: point editing functions added (add/delete points/lines) - CNConstruct: support for importing raster images by vectorisation or dithering or as light-table image - CNConstruct: functions added to edit geometries (merge, split, optimize,...) - CNConstruct: support for importing XYZ geometry fileas added - CNConstruct: input element to let OpenAPC projects be able to set data in an CNConstruct project running within OpenPlayer/OpenDebugger - CNConstruct: support for serial numbers and date/time elements - CNConstruct: support for input elements that can modify primary entities - CNConstruct: support for groups/subgroups of elements included - CNConstruct: barcode element added for 1D and 2D barcodes - CNConstruct: crashes fixed in HPGL and CSV export dialogue - CNConstruct: parameter assignment bug corrected in CSV import module - CNConstruct: pens expanded by up to six custom, freely usable parameters - CNConstruct: selecting and manipulation of groups of elements introduced - new plug-ins to extract numbers and characters out of a single CSV line - memory consumption and startup time of Player and Debugger reduced - new conversion-plugin "Char To Mixed" to parse strings for contained numbers and substrings - bug fixed in CNConstruct to Control plug-in when loading an other CNCP project file - bug fixed in displayed numeric range of gauge HMI elements - new conversion plug-in "Control To Number" to convert motion information to numeric values - new liboapc-functions oapc_util_get_time(), oapc_util_release_time(), oapc_util_get_timeofday() and oapc_util_diff_time() - data storage and motion bugs fixed in MDrive-Plug-In - new standard error codes OAPC_ERROR_CREATE_FILE_FAILED, OAPC_ERROR_OPEN_FILE_FAILED, OAPC_ERROR_WRITE_FILE_FAILED and OAPC_ERROR_READ_FILE_FAILED - logging to file and offset address byte swapping option added for MODBUS TCP plug-ins - MDrive plug-in extended by BSY-output signal and to support new Motion Control binary data - binary structure type OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_MOTIONCTRL and struct oapc_bin_struct_motionctrl introduced - useless outputs removed from CNConstruct 2 Control plug-in, Control data outputs added to support the motion element of CNConstruct, character inputs added to modify loaded CNCP projects - data bug fixed in CNConstruct 2 Control plug-in - displaying bug fixed in Vector 2D HMI Element, default field coordinates and Y-orientation corrected - new XML configuration description element "dirselect" added to choose directories - support for SCAPS USC-1 and USC-2 scanner controller cards implemented (via SCI) - support for Scanlab RTC3 and RTC4 scanner controller cards implemented (native) - default value of allowed range in HMI number fields extended to -2100000..2100000 - accuracy of min/max value in HMI Property Dialogue corrected - bug fixed: compilation of projects to .APCX files now works without memory error 1.7 - Plug-In installation problem fixed for x86_64 variant - bug fixed in MODBUS RTU Master Addressable Plug-In - bug fixed in displaying of image - new application CNConstruct for easy creation of CNC/Control data - new Plug-In CNConstruct to Control for CNCO project files - power calculation bug fixed in Vector2D HMI Plug-In - new Plug-Ins for creating random data and to convert CSV lines to characters and numbers - change in handling of binary data within external Plug-ins: malloc()ed binary data of type struct oapc_bin_head have to be released within the Plug-in after they have been fetched by the main application, new Plug-in function oapc_release_bin_data() introduced for this purpose - reset function of math counters corrected - Floating Number Field extended by parameter for number of displayed decimal places 1.6 - new function oapc_util_atof() introduced for platform-independent and inter-platform-independent string conversion - bug fixed in timer and thread creation of liboapc - bugs fixed in CSV2Ctrl and HPGL2Ctrl Plug-ins, submission of OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_CTRLEND corrected - bug fixed in CSV2Ctrl Plug-in, loading of additional data now works correctly - crash fixed in user privilege settings panel 1.5 - supporting in-polygon delay for control data in MDrive+ Plug-in - bug in circle calculation of HPGL 2 Control Plug-in fixed - some minor UI bugs fixed in OpenEditor - new Plug-ins for manipulating Control data: "Rotate Control" for rotation of movement data around center of the coordinate system and "Scale/Translate Control" for scaling and translation of movement vector data, "Override Control Parameters" to modify some tool parameters globally - binary structure type OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_CTRLEND introduced - foldbar implemented for all editors to give fast access to HMI- and flow-elements - Plug-ins HPGL2Ctrl and CSV2Ctrl moved from category conversion to category data - new function oapc_thread_timer_start() in liboapc - Save Text Plug-in now flushes data to disk immediately - special player variant OpenHPlayer implemented to execute projects it without HMI - deinitialisation bug fixed in Stepper Motor Plug-in - value range bug fixed in Vector2D Plug-in 1.4 - Cut/Insert functionality added to HMI Editor to move UI elements between panels easily - crash fixed in HMI Editor when deleting objects - bug fixed in displaying symbol of plugged device under Windows - bug fixed in handling of binary data of external HMI plugins - support for redundant Interlock Servers added, they can reside on different hosts now, in case one fails the other one takes over control - sending log messages to Interlock Server using data nodes /system/errlog, /system/warnlog, /system/infolog and /system/evtlog - Bug fixed in Editor: plugged elements have not been visible sometimes - new Plug-in error code OAPC_ERROR_CUSTOM and related function oapc_get_error_message() - IMS MDrive+ Plug-in updated to support control information data - new plugins: "CSV to Control" to convert CSV data into control information, "HPGL to Control" to convert HPGL (.plt) vector data files into control information, "Vector 2D" to display vector/control information as 2D vector data, "Control to Tool" to get the tool portion out of control data (handling on/off delays) - parameter handling and control bugs fixed in IMS MDrive+ Plug-in - new Plug-in capability flag OAPC_IS_DEPRECATED - mirrored mode introduced for Interlock Server that performs a hot backup of all managed data (not available for WindowsCE) - new binary data definitions for OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_STRUCT_CTRL - luaPLC: new function oapc_thread_sleep() added - Thread, Mutex and Dynamic Library functions added to liboapc, some util-functions replaced 1.3 - runtime ported to WindowsCE 5.0 (partially) - new liboapc-function oapc_util_thread_set_prio() - bug in OpenPlayer fixed that caused a high CPU load as long as no flows are handled - bug in internal data handling fixed which could omit submission of last value when data in input fields change fast - liboapc splitted into a dependency-less liboapc and a wxWidgets-dependent liboapcwx - Plug-in function type definition of oapc_set_config_data() changed to OAPC_EXT_API void oapc_set_config_data(void* instanceData,const char *name,const char *value), the old definition without "const" should not be used any longer - bug fixed in Interlock Server functions of liboapc, sending of binary data could fail in some cases - architecture change/extension with support for remote external Interlock Server and Plug-ins used as separated device drivers added: * new application OpenPlugger for connecting stand-alone Plug-in to an Interlock Server so that Plug-ins that communicate with devices are really located on a low layer of the complete system * OpenEditor extended by special Plugged Devices panel where Plug-ins for OpenPlugger usage can be defined and configured * new flow element "Interlock Server Connection" for direct communication with devices that are connected to the Interlock Server via the OpenPlugger * liboapc/Interlock Server extended to manage up to 25 Interlock Server communications connections - bug fixed in Interlock Server connectivity of OpenPlayer - enable/disable state of some menu items changed according to application state - default name of some flow elements corrected - Dummy Plug-in added for data transmission testing purposes - new Plug-ins for USB-UIRT IR device, JoyWarrior(tm) Accelerometer and GSV-2 measurement amplifier - communication bugs in MODBUS Plug-ins fixed - Configuration panel of "Exit Application" flow element reactivated - overflow bugs fixed in network and Parport-Stepper Plug-ins - Plug-in Execute Program moved to flow category "Miscellaneous" - Plug-ins Clock, HTTP-Client, Load Image, Load Text, E-Mail Notification, MySQL-Access, PostgreSQL Access, Save Image and Save Text moved into new flow category "Data" - new flow category "Data" and new constant OAPC_FLOWCAT_DATA introduced - internal usage of constants changed to save code size - program icon integrated in executable, no longer required to be part of the runtime package - bug fixed in loading of elements IO definitions 1.2 - bug in drawing of Stacked Panes fixed - serious race condition bug fixed in flow handling - Plug-in interface extended, new function oapc_create_instance2() - bug fixed in File Dialogue Plug-in, now reacting on cancel - crash fixed when dependencies could not resolved - data bug fixed in HMI-Plugins "Linear Meter" and "Linear Regulator" - log output of Simple Button and numeric elements corrected - crash fixed when creating group with no flow elements marked - UI enhancements: disabling clock checkbox in digital logic settings dialogue when input 0 is used for data - bug fixed in dialogue plug-in - behaviour of input elements changed: when losing focus data are emitted only when they have changed before - background contrast of editors fixed - splash screen appearance and displaying beautified 1.1 - support for touch usage, on-screen keyboard and numpad is displayed automatically in touch-mode when input elements are selected - buffer size bug fixed in mail notifier plug-in - crash fixed when deleting an HMI element - new HMI plug-in "Pinpad" - switching outputs of mutexed toggle elements now to LOW correctly - bug fixed in duplicate function, mutex copying and assignment - function of dynamic min/max inputs of numeric elements fixed - flow symbol of numeric elements corrected - initial enable state of user management panel corrected - bug fixed in object definitions of Number Field - displaying "missing image" symbol now in image UI elements when no picture is set - layout of Image Button corrected for Windows version to be compatible with other platforms 1.0 - new function block "Canvas" in liboapc containing functions oapc_canvas_get/set_readonly(), oapc_canvas_get/set_enabled(), oapc_canvas_release_data() and oapc_canvas_release_data() - new function oapc_util_colour2gray() in liboapc - support for user privileges implemented in "Linear Regulator", "Listbox" and "Symbol Button" HMI plug-ins - displaying problem in HMI Editor fixed, additional panel is no longer highlighted within an other panel - new capability flags OAPC_USERPRIVI_DISABLE and OAPC_USERPRIVI_HIDE for HMI plug-ins - IO bug fixed in plug-in "MODBUS RTU Master" - Functionality for user management added: new flow object to log in user, new internal hmi object to manage users, global project user privilege settings and user management added, definition panel added to all HMI objects to enable/disable/make them invisible dependent on the logged in user - Java classes and example for access to Interlock Server added - size of liboapc optimized - bugs in Interlock Server network functionality fixed - bug in tabbed/stacked panes fixed: static images are displayed now - Clock plug-in extended to output time in Unix format for usage with Analogue Clock - new plug-ins "MODBUS Adresssable RTU Master" and "Averaging" - new HMI Plug-in Analogue Clock - new HMI element "Password Field" 0.9 - LUA and IL (Instruction List) interpreters added that dock to the Interlock Server and are able to implement some kind of PLC functionality to control the whole system - duplication of HMI plug ins implemented - internal mutual exclusion handling implemented for Checkbox, Toggle and Radio Button HMI elements - text alignment function of Text Label corrected - bug fixed related to adding additional panels to existing Tabbed / Stacked Panes - new internal HMI elements Radio Button and Checkbox - new HMI plug-in for fancy pipes - new HMI element "Stacked Pane" added - bug fixed in format string input field of mixed-to-char data converter - bug in HMI object duplication function fixed, now copying interlock server information too - bugs fixed in communication between main application and interlock server - new plug-ins to control Isel(tm) Wafer Handler Robots, for detecting rising/falling edges, for mutual exclusion of digital values 0.8 - displaying bug fixed for Linux variant that sometimes could cause a complete crash when updating user interface elements - bug fixed in several flow elements related to groups/macros - bug fixed in TCP and serial reception functions of liboapc - Plug-Ins added: GPS positioning (NMEA and SIRF binary based), GPS positioning (using GPSd), WLAN positioning - bug fixed in TCP functions of liboapc - support added for external Interlock Server that is able to act as intermediate layer to separate applications implementing interlocks and/or sequences; Interlock Server option can be set in project settings, flow objects can be configured to influece/be influenced by the servers data - liboapc extended by function oapc_ispace_set_value() - Math 1 Plug-In extended by cube root calculation 0.7 - bugs fixed in handling of serial data on Windows port - liboapc extended by function oapc_serial_recv() which includes a parameter for termination characters; oapc_serial_send() introduced as replacement for oapc_serial_send_data() - bug in serial functions of liboapc fixed - bug fixed in parameter resetting when creating of a new project is cancelled - missing symbol of numeric divider in Flow Editor added - heavy bug fixed related to adding of groups/macros - crash fixed when leaving OpenEditor with group opened - new HMI-PlugIn added: Plot2D - new PlugIns added: Math Calculation 1 and AVR Net-IO (serial and Ethernet) - Panasonic Minas PlugIn extended, now setting drive error code at MODE output - size bug fixed for Image element - bug fixed in object selection and handling in HMI Editor - bugs fixed in SAMLight CCI and SCAPS FEB PlugIns 0.6RC NOTES - the functions oapc_tcp_send() and oapc_tcp_recv() of liboapc have changed, PlugIns and other code that make use of them have to be checked and changed: oapc_tcp_send() will cause compile errors that can be found easily because a parameter was removed; calls to oapc_tc_recv() have to be ckecked manually, here the return value has changed from bool to int so that the return value has to be compared with the length of data to be loaded instead checking the result for TRUE or FALSE CHANGES - missing support for enable/disable feature added in PlugIns ListBox and Linear Regulator - bug fixed in Linux port of Clock PlugIn - HMI Editor extended by possibility to remove all unused connections - bug fixed in Linux variant of Parport Stepper PlugIn; general handling modified to allow more smooth movements and accelerations - bug fixed in handling of stop conditions in debugger - new functions oapc_util_ntohll() and oapc_util_htonll() added to liboapc - bug fixed in loading of groups/macros - bugs fixed in compare functions (digital, numeric, character) - new HMI PlugIn "Symbol Button" - parameter "flags" removed out of oapc_tcp_send() it is useless on most systems and can be replaced by a standard option in liboapc - return value of oapc_tcp_recv() changed to int to have more detailled information about the data reception state - new PlugIns Network Server, HTTP Client and AS-Interface - OpenAPC interface example application in C added to the SDK - liboapc extended by oapc_iface_ functions that offer a standard implementation for the OpenAPC interface - declaration of oapc_tcp_listen_on_port() and oapc_tcp_connect_to() changed, char-parameter is now "const" - liboapc prepared for upcoming features: oapc_ispace_ functions added - tabbed panes with additional tab selector in editor 0.5BETA - new image subtype constants OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_IMAGE_YUV, OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_IMAGE_GRGB and OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_IMAGE_YUV422 defined - image subtype constant OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_IMAGE_RAW renamed to OAPC_BIN_SUBTYPE_IMAGE_RGB24 - behaviour of Simple button changed: emits only a single HIGH-signal on activation and no longer a HIGH/LOW sequence - behaviour of "Load Image" Plug-In changed: loading of an image is triggered now also when a new file name is set using the character input - liboapc extended by function oapc_util_to_unicode() - bug fixed in loading functionality of Char2Digi converter - bug fixed in OpenPlayer that sometimes prevented from successful submission of binary data - bug fixed in Mail Notification Plug-In - bug fixed related to binary out connector - OpenDebugger extended by a watch window: the connected outputs of flow elements now can be watched or their values can be changed - bug fixed related to storing compare-elements - new experimental flow elements: MySQL(R) and PostgreSQL connectors - new flow elements: counter for digital, numeric, character and binary data, toggle flip-flop - bug fixed in flow editor, only same datatypes can be connected with each other now - new Plug-Ins for saving image data, (de)compressing binary data and executing external programs - new Plug-Ins for accessing the SCAPS(R) SAMLight(R) Client Control and FEB interfaces - new error codes introduced for Plug-In interface - bug fixed in loading of icons - bug fixed in scanning of directories for resource bundle - bugs fixed in usage of image button and plain image 0.4BETA NOTES: - the Plug-In-interface has been changed, the value parameter in oapc_get_num_value() and oapc_set_num_value() needs to be "double" now instead of "float"; custom external Plug-Ins need to be changed and re-compiled CHANGES - bug fixed in conversion flow elements: only a HIGH signal is accepted as clock - before a project is executed it is now precompiled to optimize execution time and resource consumption - listbox Plug-In extended by two character outputs for single/double clicked entries - specification enhancement: execution time of single element limited to less than 50 msec - new flow element: digital SR-Flip-Flop - new flow elements for comparison of digital, numeric and character data - new flow elements for numeric, digital, character and binary gate - new flow plug-in: file and directory dialogue - new flow elements: digital, numeric, character and binary shift register - new flow elements: digital, numeric, character and binary NOP (no operation) - flow management changed to run completely synchronous now - bug in player fixed: flow timeout value is fully used now - option introduced to allow loopbacks for mathematical and logic flow elements - option "convert to dots" in Mixed2Char converter corrected - read-only-functionality of text control corrected - representation of flow connection lines in flow editor enhanced - drawing and binary data handling bugs fixed in flow editor - bug fixed in handling of binary data related to external plug-ins - all Plug-Ins that use the serial interface now access the related functions of liboapc to save resources - support for functional macros implemented that encapsulate groups of elements and can be added to a project directly from within the flow editor - liboapc: common library introduced to provide a resource-saving set of standard functionality - new Plug-In XML-element - bug fixed in duplicate-functionality of HMI elements - flow editor enhanced: working space can be extended not only at the borders - editors extended for easier creation of projects (repeat last created element) - internal representation of numeric data changed to cover a much bigger range - bug fixed in Num2Bits-converter - bugs fixed in configuration dialogue of mathematical flow elements - new Plug-Ins: Modbus TCP and RTU, LCDproc, EMail-Notifier, Panasonic Minas and IMS MDrive Plus motion controllers - bug fixed in Parallel Stepper Motor Driver 0.3-2BETA - serious bug fixed related to application flows - serious bug fixed related to execution of OpenDebugger and OpenPlayer - data flow bugs fixed in Num2Char and Num2Digi converters - new flow element type "Motion" introduced, Plug-In-constant OAPC_FLOWCAT_MOTION - wrong scaling of flow element property dialoge corrected 0.3BETA - standardized interface to other applications implemented and specified - data type in Plug-In-function oapc_paint() changed from wxWindow to wxPanel - XML structure extended by tag(s): fontbutton - tag implemented for load/save buttons to define file extension filters - numerical controls extended with inputs for dynamic minimum and maximum values - toolbar in editor extended by buttons for editing and deleting HMI elements - new program flow elements: gate for data forwarded on digital trigger signal - new HMI plug in: ListBox - new Flow plug in: Dialogue - converter flow elements to and from CMD/calue pairs implemented - new error codes OAPC_ERROR_RECV_DATA and OAPC_ERROR_SEND_DATA - Plug-Ins no longer need to provide all functions to the main application but only the ones that are specified by their capabilities; resulting from that the error code OAPC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED has become obsolete for Plug-Ins - bug in static Image fixed - support for dynamic image loading implemented in Image Button and Image - new data type BINARY implemented - internal mutex handling changed to be cross-plattform compatible 0.2ALPHA - bug fixed in OpenDebugger that caused a crash when started directly from editor - project file structure modified to be portable over platforms - Bug fixed in handling of float values in Plug-In configuration - Plug-In-interface: standard type "oapc_cycletime" added for polling Plug-Ins - Clock-Plug-In and Linearmeter-Plug-In modified to consume less computing power - behaviour of data flow corrected (several outgoing connections cause only one request to the output of the element they come from) - HMI Plug-In interface extended to handle new capability flags OAPC_HAS_LOG_TYPE_DIGI, OAPC_HAS_LOG_TYPE_INTNUM, OAPC_HAS_LOG_TYPE_FLOATNUM, OAPC_HAS_LOG_TYPE_CHAR - logging functionality implemented to watch and log changes on elements using error log, warning log, information log and an additional, free to use event log; new flow elements Log Output and Log Recorder - new container type "Single Panel" added, subcontainer of tabbed panes renamed to "Additional Pane" - bug fixed related to nested HMI objects in containers - bug(s) fixed in Flow Editor: adding elements within a group, "connected" state of flow connection lines within groups, assignment of new connections to existing groups, deinitialization of orphaned flows when a flow element is deleted - new external plug-in: low-cost stepper motor driver with step/direction signal output via parallel port, PID controller, TTS speech output, load text, save text - new error code(s) introduced for Plug-In inputs that are not able to receive new data at the moment: OAPC_ERROR_STILL_IN_PROGRESS - bug fixed in "Snap to grid" functionality - XML structure extended by tag(s): , checkbox, fileload, filesave - bug fixed in XML structure for "float" type - support for translation files in own directory "translation" added - char input added at Text Label, Simple Button and Toggle Button for dynamically setting the label - bug in standard flow configuration dialogue fixed that could lead to a crash - handling of Plug-Ins optimized for less ressource consumption - Serial Plug-In: Raw data transmission mode implemented - handling of pop-up-menus corrected 0.1ALPHA - initial release